Recent content by longwaybackhome

  1. longwaybackhome

    Custom Mounted cb350 Motobits

    Good day AlchemyPGH! The installation is looking great! How did you link the rearsets to the rear brake? Linkage or cable? Do you have any photo of the setup? Many thanks in advance. longwaybackhome
  2. longwaybackhome

    Welcome, Välkommen, Velkommen, Tervetuloa, Velkomin - To The Nordic Section.

    Gott Nytt År! Är på väg att börja mitt första projekt, en Honda CB 350 K4. Ni kan läsa mera på och senare också min "build thread". Jag undrar var det lönar sig att köpa slitdelar för Hondan (till bromsarna, nya oljetätningar till...
  3. longwaybackhome

    longwaybackhome's CB 350 K4 project in Finland

    Good day everyone, Bought a complete and running CB 350 K4 last spring. The engine sounds just great and otherwise runs well but there is a short circuit somewhere always when I use the rear brake so the bike dies and I have to change a fuse. Showed the bike to my kids and then brought it to...
  4. longwaybackhome

    CB350 Cafe...The 7 Year Bitch! Blew a coil... damn it!

    Re: CB350 Cafe... 6 years in the making! Good day BCBarker & other dotheton members, My compliments for the best looking rearsets on a CB 350 so far. Planning to do something similar myself and I would appreciate if you could post some closeups with the final rear brake cable setup. Did you...
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