Week 8 & 9 Case Split - Body work - Wiring Begins!
Projects for the week
Split Case
Sending out locally for Black Cerakote
Sand bondo sand bondo sand bondo…
Prime - just about ready for paint
Wiring Diagram started
Sorry for the inconsistency in updates lately. I found that it’s difficult to learn/document/do the actual work/report findings all in an organized way. Hopefully everyone is still interested - this is a ton of work!
The case split somewhat easily and it looked great inside. Not much to report on that front - I did not get too many photos of the process and I was extremely overwhelmed.
Now that the full engine has been sent out to get gloss black cerakote I can work on a few other projects with the freed up workshop space. Bondo/primer on the tank is the main focus and I will be trying my hand at building a wiring diagram as well for the M-unit.
Here are some pics of the tank as it stands currently. Not much to report here aside from bondo/sand/prime repeat. I think I applied my bondo too thick a few times because it cracked when it dried, which was extremely frustrating. Nothing better than bondoing your cracked bondo! If anyone has seen this cracking before I’d like to hear more.
And on to the wiring diagram…somehow my most dreaded part of this project is turning out to be the most fun and interesting to me. Wiring diagrams always used to be confusing to me until I took some time to learn about all the components and then tried my hand at building one. I am using the white board to test my skills at wiring the bike without needing to cut any wires just yet (it’s also too early for any actual wiring but I want to stay prepared). This is not the final version of my wiring diagram - so if things look out of place dont worry.
Probably missed so many tips and tricks in the last two weeks but I can’t remember any upon writing this
Engine back from painter
Case Closed and most components back in
New piston rings
Electronics tray welded in
Tank mount welded in
Rear seat pin/mount welded in
Rear seat hoop welded to fit better
Back to powdercoater