Swapmeet Louie
Put some metal in yer eye....
Kanticoy said:Yeah man, my wife has ridden with one of my best friends before, because most of my bikes are one seaters. I trust him, and that's the important thing. He rides as much as I do, I have ridden with him, and that is where the comfort comes from with that. I probably wouldn't feel safe with her riding with anyone other than a select handful, because, well, I've seen what happens to newbie riders when they push beyond their limits. And just for the record with this "let" and "allow" talk going on, my god man. Let us be honest. The reason that those of us out here who are happily married have concerns for our wives is BECAUSE pf people out there who have the mentality of "you should allow her to make her own decisions". I'll be honest, the other dudes who are concerned with my wife's free will are the first ones to try something that would normally get them punched in the face. "Hey she did what she wanted, it was her own free will!"
It's a matter of expertise in certain areas. I am constantly put into my place with finances because my wife is an accountant. You'd better believe she listens to me when it comes to motorcycles and all things related, because that's what I do! In real life, it's not like you are making it out to be. It isn't someone feeling "owned" when the other party makes suggestions or demands. That's what makes a working relationship. You build on the strengths that you both possess to make one complete unit. My wife "owns" me, an I "own" my wife. That's a mutual respect thing.
110% agreed. Thats the way relationships work. Any other way, I've tried... And they dont. Just noticed your quote for the 1st time, haha... too funny. I forgot about that post.