My wife is going on a business trip, and one of her coworkers is offering to take her on a ride when she gets out there. Chest beating aside, I have to say absolutely not. I don't know the guy. I don't know how he rides. I don't know what kind of condition his bike is in. I don't know what kind of risks he takes on the bike. Plus, while I have absolutely no reason not to trust my wife, I certainly don't know what his intentions are. Giving motorcycle rides to coworkers of the opposite sex isn't exactly business as usual. I certainly don't do it. I know she wouldn't do anything, but that doesn't mean I don't want to give this guy the opportunity to have her tits up against his back for an hour or so. So I told her I wasn't comfortable with it, and asked her not to bring her helmet and jacket.
That's not to say I'd never let my wife ride on another guy's bike... but it'd have to be somebody I trusted not to kill the love of my life.
Is that crazy?
edited to clarify that I don't "let" my wife do anything. She makes her own decisions.