Day 5
So after spending Day 4 indoors hiding from the rain and playing with the Carby, i wanted to go for a ride. I also wanted to do an oil change. After much buggering around i decided I would take the 50 to someone who knows the 50's. Firstly I called into a place called scooterroo, they do 50cc scooters, but apparently don't work on bikes. I knew there was a place just outside Brisbane that sold the 50 model so I rode about 50kms to Cleveland QLD, and stopped in at the Cafe racer shop (
Explained some of the issues i was seeing, such as high idle, like flatchat for no reason, and if i changed the fuel screw it would be a PITA to start. Chain tighten, oil change etc. I was going to do the oil change myself but the Super Cheap Auto stores dont have oil return bins out front, so wasnt sure how to dispose of the oil correctly.
Anyway he had a look over, he explained to me with the Chinese carby they are fairly soft (same with the chain), and what happens is if someone else who doesn't know this adjusts the fuel screw, it can gouge internally, which is where the high idle comes from, the needle gets caught then trying to idle. Also another strange issue was the accelerator cable is meant to have a stopper on the end in the carby, my cable doesn't, which meant i could accelerate clockwise and anticlockwise, Also a cable tie was pulled tight on the accelerator cable, restricting the return.
I also asked about a replacement brake lever, kick starter and 70cc upgrade, first two can be gotten and upgrade, no body has any.
So coming out it runs better, less vibrations, but also a bit less power
(translates to about 5kph slower in top gear {could be all in my mind tho}).
Then I planned to ride the bike over to Stradbroke island, but it was about 2PM and the last ferry back was 5PM, So I rode around looked at the touristy things (like dead canetoads and ocean) and headed back to Brisbane. I think the trip back was the first time i saw some real asses on the road, but they were a minority.
I also think I got my first bid to ship the bike back to Adelaide this day, And had chicken buffalo wings for dinner