April 10th in Baltimore...

And 'windy' - whatever that means!

So I think we might have 8 or so riders total -- that would be me, BigAl, Justin, plus my friends Lee, Scott, Jeff, and maybe my mechanic John if he can fix all the leaks on his Triumph (is that possible???).
wish I could make it to this, but no dice. hope the weather's good for you guys
Final call on the weather: Sunny and 65F, winds 15-25mph.

I think this is the final number of riders: Me, Justin, Al, Lee, Scott, John, Jeff, Katrina and Karl (one bike). I'm going to get there by 9am for breakfast, and I'll make sure to have those directions printed off for everyone.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!
My bike is running a little funny, I think I got some bad gas.

I will be there unless it craps out on me on the way down.

A couple guys from the Baltimore Triumph Renegades my be joining us as well.
I will have to unfortunately miss this. Apparently my clutch doesn't work.

Sorry guys, I have been looking forward to this for a while now. Next time.
Well a good time was had by all today (at least that's what they told me!). All together we had 11 for breakfast at Martha and Mary's (the folks there are super-nice!), and we had 9 for the ride, which was eventually reduced to 7 because one couple (Karl and Katrina) had an engagement at 1pm (they managed to hang in for about 2/3 of the ride). The route was about 73-75 miles, and I only made one wrong turn -- sorry guys, I misread the sign - honest!

This was definitely the gastronomic tour, as we all seemed to have a ginormous breakfast at Martha and Mary's, then ending the journey at Broom's Bloom with various combinations of soup, macaroni and cheese, coffee and ice cream....yikes! Not to mention some of the prettiest roads in this part of Maryland. The highlights included the first portion of the Horses and Hounds route, followed by Hunters Mill Rd, Madonna and Telegraph Roads, and Fawn Hill Road. The not so great road was Rt. 543 (the last leg of the journey), and if I were to do this route again, I would probably choose another destination in the area that didn't involve going on Rt. 543, but unfortunately, to get to Broom's Bloom you had to use that road at some point.

All in all, a great day. It was a bit chilly in the morning, but by noon it had warmed up to about 60F. Minimal traffic on the backroads, and the only close call was a woman in a giant SUV that didn't quite get the concept of staying to the right.....

I'll try to post some photos later in the week -- my little pocket digital camera died last week, and I had to resort to using my 1937 Contax II with some 35mm colour film....remember film???
It was indeed a great day.

Thanks again to Vince for coming up with a great route.

I guess if I had remembered to put on my sweatshirt before leaving this morning, it wouldn't have been so cold.
I know Vince with post some quality pictures. While we're waiting, I figured I'd post one I snapped with my cell phone.

Better late than never -- some shots from the ride (not bad for a 75 year old camera!).

Aren't we a fearsome bunch?

Breakfast Pizza!

Our Arrival at Broom's Bloom

Soup and Ice Cream and Coffee....isn't that the real reason we ride?
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