Cafe Racer Music?


Been Around the Block
For some reason a certain song comes into my mind every time I imagine myself riding my soon to be completed cafe project. What song is it you ask? David Bowie - Suffragette City. I know Bowie isn't someone who I would correlate to these motorcycles but something about that song screams cafe racer. I'm almost hoping some of you could turn me onto other songs that you feel have underlying cafe tones. Or tell me if I am completely wrong on this one.

In case you do not know the song, here is a YouTube link. David Bowie - Suffragette city
One of our favourites was Eddie Cochrane's "Summer Time Blues" - there was something about that pounding rythym.
Duane Eddy's "rebel rouser" is one of my faves. Funny, its also one of the earliest songs I remember liking as a 5 year old getting my first cassette tape for Christmas. Yep, those days were cool...
Hey Mr.E - Duane Eddy was my hero when I was a kid - I even ended up with a Gretsch just like his !! If only I could have played it as well as him!

OK, he wasn't the best technical guitarist - but his music certainly got the juices flowing.
Anything by Davie Allen & The Arrows. He did a lot of sound tracks to old 60's biker movies. Awesome stuff.
All great music on here! And along with the duane eddie song I mentioned earlier, the same cassette I had also had "shake, rattle, & roll" by bill haley and the commets. Haha and I was only 5 or 6, and the music still impacted me while it was already over 30 years old at that time. My wife actually found that cassette the other day in my stuff. Wish I still had a cassette player!
The Cramps
Link Wray and the Wray Men
The Meteors
Tiger Army
Old 97s
The Clash
Rev. Horton Heat
The Psycho Devilles

Pyschobilly and Rockabilly are, in my opinion, the best genres to find good cafe music, but I'm a big fan of early punk, and it seems to fit the bill for what cafe racers are all about. Loud, fast and attitude. If that floats your boat, check out

Flux of Pink Indians
Cock Sparrer
The Partisans
Agent Orange
Social Distortion
Dead Kennedies
The Buzzcocks

Some real oldies that fit the bill:

Credence Clearwater Revival
Elvis Presley
Chuck Berry
Johnny Cash

Fill your mp3 player up with that shit and you're ready to wrench or ride on anything.
IndieSol, great choices, we have a very similar music pedigree. Hit up "Clash Radio" on Pandora and spends hours wrenching.
??? Lost me a bit on that last one, not sure what that plastic skeleton is up to. Everything else that's been posted rocks tho
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