Favorite Cafe Beverage?


Been Around the Block
I thought it would be an appropriate subject considering the first rockers were tea drinkers.
What is your favorite tea or coffee?

I prefer Yerba Mate during the day and Stash Double Bergamot Earl Grey Black Tea in the evening.
I've always been a coffee drinker as well and most recently have been drinking the Archer Farms Espresso Roast in my Latte's.

I read something the other day about how that in the old days everyone roasted there own green coffee beans. I have friend who does this in a popcorn popper.
Does anyone on here roast their own beans? If so, what method do you use and where do you get your beans?

Peace . . .
I am quite the coffee drinker myself, and enjoy coffee in almost any form!
Favorites include:
Anytime: Straight esspresso with a dash of clover honey! Hmm!
Winter: Double shot Latte with REAL vanilla bean extract, a spoon of orange grove honey, and a cinnimon stick!
Summer: Ice latte, whole milk, and vanilla flavor.

Not a real big fan of hot tea, maybe a chamomile before bed in the winter, but other than that I stick with southern tradition! SWEET ICE TEA!

I have roasted my own coffee beans but with NO success! Just buy them! I do a cold brew for my ice latte's myself by brewing it cold in a "Toddy Maker". If you dont know, this devise brews coffee at a constantly cool temp to reduce acids which are released in hot brewing. Acid taste is not very noticable in a hot beverage but make a cold beverage very tangy. Cold brewed creates a nice smooth flavor and reduces the amount of acid by more than 70% in most brews. A light roast on a pacific bean done in a toddy maker and your in cold coffee heaven. That combo also produces the most caffine jolt you can get from any brew!

Nice thread!
Thanks, tWisted! Very informative post. I've always wanted to make an Iced Latte but didn't know how. You've inspired me to try it.
triumphrider74 said:
Thanks, tWisted! Very informative post. I've always wanted to make an Iced Latte but didn't know how. You've inspired me to try it.

Well feel free to try it from cooling warm brew, but don't base your opinion from it's flavor!

This is my formula for an ice latte:
1/3 part toddy brew (chilled in fridge)
2/3 parts whole milk (fridge temp)
sweetened flavor of your choice to taste ( vanilla, caramel, or just splenda are my favs)
All over a nice cup of ice!

I like a double shot iced mocha w/ just a pinch of the postpunk,hair-core emosexual counter person finely ground & Crying....

I like my coffee like I like my women... ground up and in the freezer ;) ;D

Seriously though, I don't drink coffee much but when I do it's generally the local favorite... Cafe au Lait.
I'll drink Tea 24/7 though. Iced and sweet, or green is preferred.
My ole man is the real coffee drinker in my family. Straight up black as strong as it can be made (looks like used motor oil). Has to be very hot and he is happy. Day or night winter or summer by the pot full as long as it is hot as the pits of hell. I can't believe he hates expresso.

I'll drink coffee in about any form but I love a very strong dark roast (about any brand) done in a French Press. Add a little Italian Cream, topped with whip cream, then caramel and shaved chocolate. (Its not a manly drink but it kicks ass!)I've also been known to throw in a shot of expresso.

One question for the coffee guys. Storage in the Fridge, or the freezer?
cafe au lait
i like some coffee in my cream and sugar
sweet tea
My ole man is the real coffee drinker in my family. Straight up black as strong as it can be made

Haha, same as mine. He got me started on coffee, and then I 'spoiled' it for him by discovering that you can roast your own coffee - he reckons its the best stuff he's ever tasted. All you need is the green coffee beans and one of those air-blowing popcorn makers, or a heatgun and a metal bowl. Green beans are cheap as hell, to.

Anywho, my beverage is either a double-shot cappucino or a macchiato. Failing that, black & strong. If its tea, I do like an Earl Gray with a dash of milk and one sugar.

Favourite coffee roasts so far would have to be Ethipoian 'Gambella' sundried and Papua New Guinean 'Waghii'. Brilliant coffees the both of them, especially when roasted just a little darker than usual. Check out coffeesnobs.com.au for the site I get beans from.

Cheers - boingk
Sweet Tea, but with Truvia instead of sugar.
Oolong tea hot.
Mocha Java if I'm at "The Overpriced Coffee House"
My best friend brought me some beans from the slopes of Kilimanjaro, good dark roast.
And I tried my first Kapi Luack the other night. Good but not the best I have had.
I almost forgot...In the summer I loves me a Vietnamese Coffee!!!
troybilt said:
One question for the coffee guys. Storage in the Fridge, or the freezer?


I discovered the best way to store coffee is in air tight, ceramic containers. Stainless steel might be ok. Fridge or freezer storage is bad flavor news as the coffee will absorb whatever smells may be lingering in the box. This is also noted on Starbuck's packaging.

I like my coffee fresh ground via press or strain. I might request a fresh brew/press at Starbuck's. I highly recommend "Sumatra" - much better than "Pike's". My all time fav is "Alonzo's Double Dark" from a Maine-based company called Coffee By Design. It's the Guinness of java. Hellz yeah.
One question for the coffee guys. Storage in the Fridge, or the freezer?

Neither, as Das said. Interestingly, you can't really preserve coffee by freezing, vacuum packing, or any other method. The coffee 'rule of three' applies here usually - 3 years green, 3 weeks roasted, 3 minutes ground!

I roast my coffee every week or two and store it about 12oz at a time in ziplock bags that I squeeze the air out of and reseal after removing beans. Seems to work pretty well, and interestingly enough the coffee tastes its best several days after roadting, sometimes up to almost a week before it hits its peak.

Agreed on the Sumatran coffee, Das. Some of the best I've roasted was Sumatran Mandheling...awesome stuff indeed.

Cheers - boingk
4eyes, also love some vietnamese coffee. Mmm mmm mm...
Yeah, I knew there would be some hardcore coffee and tea drinkers on here. Thanks for the suggestions, boingk. I super stoked on roasting some beans. I'm going to that site right now. Now I've just got to find me a popcorn popper. ;D

Side note: There's a Thai restaurant here that serves Iced Thai Coffee. It's really good. I know there's got to be some Coconut Milk in there, not sure what else. I wish I knew how to make it.
Thanks Das. Guess I'll be taking my coffee out of the fridge. No wonder my morning coffee always tasted like fish ;D

I'm looking for a pop corn popper and grinder now. I can't wait to give it a try. Thanks guys!
troybilt said:
Thanks Das. Guess I'll be taking my coffee out of the fridge. No wonder my morning coffee always tasted like fish ;D

I'm looking for a pop corn popper and grinder now. I can't wait to give it a try. Thanks guys!

Here is one for you guys, and belive it or not, but the vacuum seal is the only way to go on coffee! I have a food saver sealer and use it for thousands of uses as I butcher and proccess my own vinison, and some beef. I also preserve vegtables from my garden for year-round use with it. Back to the point, the food saver has these tall canisters that will vacuum very nicely. I put my fresh roasted or store bought beans in one of the canisters and seal it. Take out what I need to grind and re-seal. Like having fresh roasted beans every pot!

Forgot to mention earlier that I have not used any coffee maker at my house other than the Toddy Maker or a french press in more than 5 years! I still drink coffee from a perculator at work, but it tast like shit no matter what you make it in! Tiny bags of ground MH that have sat under a shelf in a box for God only knows how long! I just drink it anyway! I guess it is still better than no coffee!

You guys who are true coffee connoisseurs, try the food saver, I am sure you will be impressed!
I like my coffee like I like my women- Cold, Dark and Bitter. :-*

Fresh ground Tanzanian Peaberry. Black. Use a french press when ever I have time to really sit and enjoy.

Also, thanks for the tips on cold coffee. I much prefer it to ice tea, but as you pointed out, just chilling brewed coffee leaves a bite to it.
49th Parallel Epic Espresso. I have a Saeco Aroma at home that I use with a non-pressurized portafilter and my Gaggia MDF grinder on 2. At the office I have a Gaggia Baby that we gather around a few times a day and pull a bunch of shots from.

One day I'll save up my $$$ and pick up a Rancilio Silvia or something, but for now, these machines do the trick. Picked up another spare Saeco Aroma for $35 yesterday :) Better than paying 10x that much for one new.
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