
Ok everyone. Im pressing ahead with this endeavour. It wont be huge or the prettiest at first, but it should be pretty damn cool... I hope.

Im planning on formatting it in the vein of the original hot rod magazines of the 50s, like Hop Up, and Hot Rod. It will primarily be black and white most likely, with one or two color features. It will also be smaller than most modern magazines, size wise, though Im hoping to keep it around 25-30 pages at first.
Im also shooting for a 6 issue a year plan. Dont get too excited just yet though... It most likely wont be ready to go until spring or so.
The mag will have some adverts in it, so I dont go broke trying to publish it. They will be kept to a minimum. Though unlike most mags, you wont see adverts for anything that you personally wouldnt give a shit about. Thats the plan at least.

Ok, now the begging part.

I need artists, and photogs that want to showcase their work! Tattoo artists, painters, anyone! I will say this though, moto related or low brow art will gt top billing, though NOTHING will be overlooked.

Also, are you in a band? Do you know someone in a band? Do you/they not suck? Send me your music! Ill do what I can to pimp your stuff for ya!

And of course, the builders... Think your bike is badass, and deserves to be in print? Let me know. If we can fit you in, we will!

Anyone whos interested in any of the above, or has some interesting ideas of their own... Heres the official email:

Im working on setting up an subscription service. Once I get closer to actually publishing, Ill collect the info of anyone whos down (prob going to be around $20 a year) with getting it delivered, than send out the first issue for you to peruse before you decide and send any money. As I said before, I really dont want to make any money from this. I also want this to be something you guys are happy about shelling out the money for. If you see something you dont like, or dont see something you do, let me know. I cant make everyone happy, but Ill try...

Oh ya... There will be a facebook page at some point too if yinz are interested in that. Ill update you to the FB status when it happens.

Ok.. One last thing... I need someone to help me design a logo. I have some ideas, just not the actual artistic talent to lay it on paper. Itll be simple and easy and youll get a free sub for helping out. If you can/want to help, email @ or PM me here.

Ok folks, that is all for now. Ill keep the updates coming as the up-dateable things occur!

Thanks everyone for your help and support thus far. Go filth-machine!

Mike, great idea! some good advice here already posted. my .02? I don't think it can hurt to be a presence online for sure, but a cool photo heavy publication that is "vintage general" would be fantastic. honestly, what I want from those sorts of publications is inspiration and eye candy, in other words lots of pictures of what is going on in the vintage world. people get the "how to" stuff online now I would keep the print rag really visual. get more into it in the online version.

We should talk, we could dovetail a lot of our ideas and activities.
Awesome! Let me know if I can help. I have access to gaggles of original american and british motorcycles as well as traditional hotrods, vintage race cars and the like.

Best of Luck!!
Right on guys. As the project progresses Ill keep everyone updated.

And Pawn, it FILTH MACHINE. The name actually came from a crazy guy who works at a local junk yard. I was there awhile ago looking for some bits, and he asked what I was working on. I told him it was a vintage chopper, and he responded in a perfect Western PA accent, "awww... why would you want one of those filth machines... Theyre so... filthy."

Always cracked me up. When I was racking my brain trying to come up with a name, that memory popped into my head. Seemed fitting.
AWESOME! Ill get with ya soon.

Oh and for ya FB folks... Search filth machine mag.
Not much going on there now, but it will get better.
What an excellent idea - and a good place to start, unlike the rag that's already out there.

Unfortunately however well intentioned and enthusiastic they are - they're wannabe's. They're trying to write about an era where they were neither culturally nor ethnically associated with. Some of the highjacked English slang [ mis-use] just makes me cringe. However, better than nothing.

I started and ran several Hot Rod and Bike clubs back when and even edited a few of the magazines.

I've been a contributor and an editor of a "troubleshooting" section in both bike and Hot Rod mainstream mags [ English ].

I'm currently writing 2 books [ unrelated ].

Soooooo - if you want / need a contributor from the place where it all started and from a guy that's been there since the beginning - my hat's in your ring.
Awesome. Street cred!

Mike, I can pitch in with content as well we can talk when you're ready.
man i would be more than happy to write a tips and how to section for you? i have dif bikes come though here on a weekly basis and i could do how to's complete with pics. Hell i have a ton stored up!
Thanks a million guys! Just ordered some software to help with layout and whatnot. Once thats here Ill see about printing a couple trial pieces to figure out what Im gooing for. Once I have an idea of the layout, Ill scan it in and get your opinions. THAN... Ill start hitting you poor misguided souls who have offered to help up for contributions. Remember as well... EMail me any thoughts of contribution ideas to if you can. That way everything is in one solid place.
hey von if you want me to help with layout let me know...I've been doing it for 10 years with the first few specifically in magazines. What program did you get for doing the layout? I wouldnt mind doing an article or two.
You know I'll help on any level you need. Let's delegate some duties. Organizing everyones abilities will really help to manage the project.
Pictures of scantily clad young ladies pointing out the finer points of the cycles would be nice !
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