bad assed, super fast and fully gassed
teazer said:CB160 carbs are very simple. Take teh slide out again and see why it's sticking. It may be rotated out of position or the needle may not be going into the needle jet correctly. It should be fairly obvious if you take your time to look.
Also, if you've used a dip type substance to clean the carb (which you should. ALWAYS assume the carb is dirty if youve never cleaned/rebuilt it. And be sure to replace any and all Orings inside...they dryrot, deteriorate from ethanol, etc..they're sealing devices) and didnt rinse it thoroughly, the residue left from the dip will cause the slide to stick. If you left it in the dip to long, depending on the chemical make-up of the dip (the crap they sell now is WEAK SAUCE...stupid EPA) can cause a oxidizing type reaction in the slide bore (cheap alu/zinc alloy...god help you if it ever sits in water for long periods of time...) which will cause stiction. Clean the bore out well with some 000 or higher steel wool...make sure you blow it out well with compressed air or the like dont leave that wool remnants in the bore. Should rectify your problem...