As promised, getting this thread up to present day................plan was keep it nice and clean before the first show of the year, not attempt to run it as I didn't want any last minute dramas, didn't want anything to fall off or tempt me into riding it and chucking it into a hedge before its first public had spark and it had fuel, turned over and nothing caught fire so I left it at that....
Anyway as we know 2020 is now a complete right off and there will be no public shows, both major shows I planned on taking it to in the UK were canned, so i set about getting it running................its not really a motorbike anyway unless it makes a noise and you can ride it .........chucked some petrol in, and gave it a shot.............mothing, nowt, nadda
Turns out I'd only forgot to drill the stainless manifolds Id made back in the winter....
That sorted onto the big moment..............2nd attempt and it fired, idled, very roughly then died........3rd go, bit more throttle, idling very roughly but kept it running..............quickly deduced something was not right...cut a long story one of the plugs was dead (easy fix), and a few days of head scratching, jets in and out, needles up and down, timing off and on, strobes and multimeter all over it...etc etc, Id realised the plug and play carbs had had the slides in the wrong way round since Id received them.......she was running pretty rich as you can see.
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