The Beginning Of "The Fish Bike"


Busted Nut
Luck has served me well so far....Last Time it actually Snowed was the Day I Traded my Snow blower for a 1982 Kawasaki Kz750 (carbs & front brake Frozen) ..... a week or so of troubleshooting the caliper and waiting for the new carbs to come in the mail ......TONIGHT I AWAKENED THE BEAST.......Soo She runs.......AND Since Luck has been Serving me this well she decided to also serve me One "BRAND NEW" english Wheel on craigslist for $250 .....(Oh craigslist why are you sooo good to me???)

I have this idea in my head random day.... of a fish bike so i write it down not the best picture ever but a good start

now that I have some 18gauge flat steel, shears, English Wheeler Dealer, a hammer, pillow case full of sand (thanks mom), and a small table made of 3 tires and a piece of wood.....It's time to start .........Here is where i'm at if all goes well i should be doing a bit of welding tomorrow


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So the bike(fish) in question is a KZ750 E model I believe and here she is Check out that Fish Tank looks kinda like my crap drawing.....Sweet!!!


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This Is Today before and after the first couple Tack's.....The bike I put it on in the pic belongs to my brochacho (can you believe someone just gave that away? Free with a title)Lucky people ......anyways ....Man It Feels Good to make something from flat steel with your hands .....gonna have to do this more often


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After Hangin' out with my Steel Fin for a few days....I realized I have been doing it all Wrong(Fins don't MATCH EXACTLY!!!).....After Searching the town all day for more 18gauge, I finally was referred to this tiny Machine Shop that I never noticed before they were able to scrounge up a Nice Sized Rusty Piece with a Bend in it! for me to work with...... only $20 after a bit of negotiation....I showed em my steel fin (basically my first welding attempt) they were mildly impressed, gave me a few pointers......Soooo....Now I have all six fins cut and sanded so they match....About to Pound Sand......This pillow case Sux Do they sell those Leather sand Bags? or do I have to sacrifice a jacket?
I'm sure we could make up some leather sandbags. Let's steal moss' leather jacket and use that


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Will be watching this build carefully, looks like it's going to rock!

Can't wait to see it emerge from it's aquarium.
did some work lots more pics to come


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