"the Mooch"

Re: "the Mooch"

Tune-A-Fish© said:
The Trump "wrath" is just warming up... if you get real close the dudes just inside the legal boundaries and must have some decent advisers to allow him to retaliate against the fully focused left to destroy him. Hope takes out a HUGE pile of garbage before it ends

Just what America needs: a "wrathful" president who will take out Americans who are considered "garbage."

Or: he's nowhere near smart enough to have any idea what he's doing, he's been completely ineffective at everything he's tried, and he is hanging on by a thread because he's done so much dubious shit -- legally, diplomatically, morally -- that even his own party has turned against him. But there is a still a small cadre of his followers who don't read the news and aren't smart enough to see that cutting off one's nose to spite one's face is never a good idea.
Re: "the Mooch"

carnivorous chicken said:
Just what America needs: a "wrathful" president who will take out Americans who are considered "garbage."

Or: he's nowhere near smart enough to have any idea what he's doing, he's been completely ineffective at everything he's tried, and he is hanging on by a thread because he's done so much dubious shit -- legally, diplomatically, morally -- that even his own party has turned against him. But there is a still a small cadre of his followers who don't read the news and aren't smart enough to see that cutting off one's nose to spite one's face is never a good idea.



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Re: "the Mooch"

Seems more than one phone call has surfaced lol but I stoped looking at comic books at about age ten.

This is interesting tho.

Los Angeles County has told the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57. Those areas won by Clinton all contain sanctuary cities. One need not be a genius to figure this election out.

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Re: "the Mooch"

Tune-A-Fish© said:
Seems more than one phone call has surfaced lol but I stoped looking at comic books at about age ten.

This is interesting tho.

Los Angeles County has told the project that “the number of registered voters now stands at a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”

There are 3,141 counties in the United States. Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57. Those areas won by Clinton all contain sanctuary cities. One need not be a genius to figure this election out.

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Those numbers are the product of Brietbart Fake News. Clinton won at least 487 counties. Though counties are a pretty piss poor measure of vote as population is not spread evenly within counties. Clinton actually had 2.8 million more votes. Of course none of that matters, Trump won the electoral college and is POTUS. As a result I can't imagine why you would present any sort of election results, made up or otherwise. Took a page out of Trumps playbook I guess.

At least the LA voter numbers are correct, but as Judicial Watch (a conservative watch dog group) states, they are contesting lack of maintenance of voter rolls in regards to the death of registered voters. It has nothing to to do illegal votes.
Re: "the Mooch"

Sav0r said:
Those numbers are the product of Brietbart Fake News. Clinton won at least 487 counties. Though counties are a pretty piss poor measure of vote as population is not spread evenly within counties. Clinton actually had 2.8 million more votes. Of course none of that matters, Trump won the electoral college and is POTUS. As a result I can't imagine why you would present any sort of election results, made up or otherwise. Took a page out of Trumps playbook I guess.

At least the LA voter numbers are correct, but as Judicial Watch (a conservative watch dog group) states, they are contesting lack of maintenance of voter rolls in regards to the death of registered voters. It has nothing to to do illegal votes.

BS... voter fraud is real and it needs to be put to an end before the next election... I am for a chipped ID that ONLY a US citizen with a continuous 24 months of verified residency is established... nothing not a drivers license down to a library card will be considered valid until those 24 months has passed. No more goddamn freeloaders period.

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Re: "the Mooch"

Tune-A-Fish© said:
BS... voter fraud is real and it needs to be put to an end before the next election... I am for a chipped ID that ONLY a US citizen with a continuous 24 months of verified residency is established... nothing not a drivers license down to a library card will be considered valid until those 24 months has passed. No more goddamn freeloaders period.

Voter fraud is not real (at least not in any significant way, certainly not enough to influence a presidential election). When you make claims such as these, do you have any real evidence to back it up? The answer to this one is no, because it's not real. As folks here hashed out in previous threads, voter ID laws have been struck down as unconstitutional because the disenfranchise POC and others. You can hold another opinion, but the constitution is not on your side.

But rather more pressing, how about the pissing contest between Trump and Kim Jong Un? It's like two testosterone fueled 13-year-olds going at it.
And an update on "voter fraud," which itself is a fraud, courtesy of the Washington Post:


Just read the headline in the url. Ouch.
Tune-A-Fish© said:
BS... voter fraud is real and it needs to be put to an end before the next election... I am for a chipped ID that ONLY a US citizen with a continuous 24 months of verified residency is established... nothing not a drivers license down to a library card will be considered valid until those 24 months has passed. No more goddamn freeloaders period.

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Time to call BS on that fake news . First off, it was nowhere near 144%. That was bogus. Next the data included "inactive voters". Those are names of people who have not voted recently, are not canvassed and did not turn up to vote this time either. They are left in an inactive status in case there is some valid reason that they have not been voting but are still alive and eligible to vote. That would for example include people who did not want to vote for Obama and now don't see any point in voting for Chump either.

Since they did not vote this time either, there was no fraud. Just more baseless, fake news from the far right that are positioning the country to cancel the 2020 elections to allow Chump to stay in power for as long as they want a frat boy to represent them. And by "them" we are not talking about voters.

I'm not against voter ID though. That just makes common sense and we should be able to get all old, poor etc voters into the system that currently may have difficulty. There is time if we start now, but that effort cannot be the way that some states seem to want to do it by simply banning people who don't currently have valid ID as defined now. That won't fly any more than just turning up to vote should. If tit's an issue, we should make it easy for those folks to register and to validate their registration through simple processes.

By the same token, a semi secret panel in the White House cannot be expected to conduct any sort of fair review of voters. They could go out in the field and conduct tests and interviews and pull together a list of best practices for states to consider and implement. They could invite Secretaries of State from all states to have input to the process.

Much more to the point is that the Government has zero right to voter data of any sort. Where does the constitution say they can demand details of soc. numbers and how individuals voted and their full names and addresses? How soon before they start to use that dat to target people in all manner of ways eg through IRS audits or ..insert your own pet fear here...
I'm following the insanity that was the white supremacist march in Charlottesville last weekend. What the hell is going on? Trump's mealy mouthed pseudo condemnation of events was ridiculous; there's no doubt his rhetoric has given these bigots the confidence to do this kind of shit.

On the positive side, dunno if anyone's seen it but the "yes, you're racist" twitter handle is outing these people and they're facing consequences, such as being fired from their jobs.
Re: "the Mooch"

carnivorous chicken said:
I'm following the insanity that was the white supremacist march in Charlottesville last weekend. What the hell is going on? Trump's mealy mouthed pseudo condemnation of events was ridiculous; there's no doubt his rhetoric has given these bigots the confidence to do this kind of shit.

On the positive side, dunno if anyone's seen it but the "yes, you're racist" twitter handle is outing these people and they're facing consequences, such as being fired from their jobs.

So you got fired?

That whole "show" was well planned by the the racist Left and Soros thugs and now that the video evidence is surfacing not even CNN can push it back.

I would say that these protest groups on both sides of racism are nothing more than misinformed, weak mined trash... but I'm sure you had a good time watching Chicken.

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Re: "the Mooch"

stroker crazy said:
speaking of racists …

If your a lefty you have no choice but to believe that... some of US have minds of our own tho.

Here's another opinion:, but it's TV and has lost all credibility.


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Re: "the Mooch"

Tune-A-Fish© said:
So you got fired?

That whole "show" was well planned by the the racist Left and Soros thugs and now that the video evidence is surfacing not even CNN can push it back.

I would say that these protest groups on both sides of racism are nothing more than misinformed, weak mined trash... but I'm sure you had a good time watching Chicken.

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Where has the evidence surfaced exactly?
Re: "the Mooch"

Sav0r said:
Where has the evidence surfaced exactly?

Not that I agree with one side or the other, but there are videos all over Facebook of the Antifa crowd swooping in and throwing punches seemingly unprovoked, physically, anyhow.
Re: "the Mooch"

J-Rod10 said:
Not that I agree with one side or the other, but there are videos all over Facebook of the Antifa crowd swooping in and throwing punches seemingly unprovoked, physically, anyhow.

Okay, but that doesn't really answer the question. Even if they were throwing punches, where is the evidence that they are racist, of the left, and Soros' own thugs were there and acting racist. Punches alone don't make them employed by Soros, racist, or of the left. Maybe they are just angry because a bunch of rich white privileged kids were able to afford the day off to protest the removal of some transparently racist statues. At best you could say that the proposed charges could be considered hard to prove, but in reality they are based on nonsense. Sure, there are assholes in every group. Hell, a white nationalist killed a woman, but instead of apologizing and pointing out actions of terror where they are due (good job Donnie) we are trying to prove that the other side didn't have permits and make the other side out to be equally as bad. It's a moral false equivalence really. The majority are saying that the white nationalists spew hate, obviously true. Those defending the white nationalists are attempting to say that the other side is just as bad. That again is a logical fallacy. Address the criticism of the white nationalists, one of which murdered a person at that very rally, the rest of them openly fight for the extermination of those who aren't white Christians. You'd have to a fucking moron to even attempt to point the finger elsewhere. The best part is that historically speaking those statues were put in place during the same time that Jim Crowe and other white nationalist based laws that obviously discriminate were drafted and adopted. So let's place some obviously discriminatory laws in place and to really drive the point home we will also drop some historical defenders of slavery into town squares the nation over. Never mind that those statues depict people who literally attempted to defend slavery by risking their own lives in war, no these statues aren't racist, not at all.
Re: "the Mooch"

Tune-A-Fish© said:
So you got fired?

That whole "show" was well planned by the the racist Left and Soros thugs and now that the video evidence is surfacing not even CNN can push it back.

I would say that these protest groups on both sides of racism are nothing more than misinformed, weak mined trash... but I'm sure you had a good time watching Chicken.

Seriously? I hate to say it, but the time is fucking now more than ever. You may not be self-aware or realize this, but stupid falls out of your mouth every time you open it, and it's apparent to everyone else. I've avoided insulting you for ages while you throw lobs of shit towards me repeatedly, but sorry guy: you're fucked.

The false equivalence that savOr points out is absolutely correct. A crowd of torch-bearing neo-nazis shouting "Jews will not replace us," carrying swastikas and other symbols of white supremacy, raising their arms in sieg heil salutes -- these are people that the president said had some good people among them. And these are the people that are calling for the eradication of people of color, Jews, Muslims, etc. There aren't two sides to this argument, and trying to blame the left for the violence is about as idiotic as it gets -- and is essentially arguing the white supremacists' side. Nazis shouldn't be protected -- look up Hegel's paradox of tolerance for some guidance here. And think about America's past.

I didn't lose my job because I'm not a mouth breathing Nazi who attended a rally to preach hate toward minorities -- not sure how you made that leap, sweetums, but it's bizarre.

"The whole show" was actually planned by the right, and the leftists who came out to protest did so in reaction to the Nazi right. You claim the evidence is so clear that CNN can't refute it? OK, let's have it. Post it here. Not evidence that the antifas attacked the Nazis, but that the whole thing was planned by the left. And let's remember that in the end, an anti-racist protestor was killed by a racist protestor.

Protest groups on both sides of racism -- you mean the racists and those who condemn racism? You mean, like the civil rights movement in the 1960s? -- are weak minded trash? Really? We should stand idly by while the white supremacists gain momentum?

Remember when you used to say derogatory stuff about Mexicans, African-Americans, Muslims and other minorities here with your buddy who got banned because he just couldn't shut up about it?

The Trump supporting fringe is declining in numbers as people are abhorred by what this man has done and continues to do, but no doubt there will be people -- some misinformed, some malicious, some incredibly naïve or stupid -- who continue to defend him or what they think he stands for. This is seriously a shitty and fucked up time in the US.

Love you toots, really I do, and let me know if you need help with any of the big words as you've complained you can't understand them in the past. XOXO.
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