"the Mooch"

Obama was elected on a promise to pull us out of the Middle East, Trump is doing it.

We'll see how that goes.

$5.7B for the wall in the bill heading to the Senate as well.
J-Rod10 said:
Obama was elected on a promise to pull us out of the Middle East, Trump is doing it.

That's a really interesting way to say that despite warnings from experts in his own administration, and despite falsely claiming that ISIS was no longer a threat there, and despite the Assad regime's documented use of posion gas on his own civilian population, and despite Russia's backing of Assad (and countering the US there), and despite Russia's explicitly pronounced glee at Trump's announcement, US troops are going to leave Syria (to Assad and ISIS).

If you turn away from Faux News and right wing media, you will get an idea of how wrongheaded this is.

Meanwhile, some idiot started a gofundme for "the wall" that has reached $7million and counting. Let me see if I get this right: people who supported Trump, who promised that Mexico would pay for it, and then told the US that they had to pay for it, and that he would shut down the government if they didn't, but that the great new trade deal he signed with Mexico would pay for the wall (even though it benefits businesses, not the government), have now started a gofundme to pay for it themselves.

Did you know the word "gullible" isn't in the dictionary?

Anyone not completely convinced that Trump is a crooked charlatan is either blind or not very intellgient. It doesn't take a court case forbidding him or his progeny to sit on the board of charities in New York to tell you that, nor does it take investigations into basically every aspect of his life that has anything to do with money.

Oh but wait, the economy is doing great so everything is justified! But wait -- what if the economy isn't so great because Trump is careering in a downward spiral of a trade war with China? And his supporters, who don't understand economics and complicated things such as trade deficits, are happy to wave the flag as the ship sinks.

Did anyone else read Mattis' resignation letter? Holy shit!

I have an idea -- let's blame immigrants! It's a hell of a good way to set the middle class against the lower class, while distracting from the fact that the richest class is laughing all the way to the bank.
And it should go without saying the entire notion of a "border wall" somehow increasing security is a farce and a boondoggle. Bragging about how Trump is going to make it happen is like bragging about flushing money down a toilet. Keeeee-rist.
I didn't say Trump pulling us out of the Middle East was the right thing to do. I just find the humor in the last President being elected on the platform he was going to do it, and the same folks that voted for that promise, are the ones up in arms that we're actually doing it.

Curious question, would you be cool with us going in and replacing Assad? What is the other option? Keep sending troops over to get maimed and killed, to keep the appearance up that we're doing something?

We have more soldiers in Africa right now, than we do the Middle East. Nobody talks about that, though.

As for the wall, I don't care one way or the other. It was a major part of his platform. I don't see why everyone is so surprised that he's actually fighting for it. Well, actually I can. Campaign promises are often hollow in nature. That "idiot" that started the crowd funding campaign, a triple amputee veteran.
J-Rod10 said:
We have more soldiers in Africa right now, than we do the Middle East. Nobody talks about that, though.
Where did you get this information? I don't think that's at all accurate. We have over 25k troops in the Middle East and not more than 3k in Africa.
irk miller said:
Where did you get this information? I don't think that's at all accurate. We have over 25k troops in the Middle East and not more than 3k in Africa.
You are correct. I misread an article. We have round about 6K troops in Africa at present.
J-Rod10 said:
I didn't say Trump pulling us out of the Middle East was the right thing to do. I just find the humor in the last President being elected on the platform he was going to do it, and the same folks that voted for that promise, are the ones up in arms that we're actually doing it.

Curious question, would you be cool with us going in and replacing Assad? What is the other option? Keep sending troops over to get maimed and killed, to keep the appearance up that we're doing something?

We have more soldiers in Africa right now, than we do the Middle East. Nobody talks about that, though.

As for the wall, I don't care one way or the other. It was a major part of his platform. I don't see why everyone is so surprised that he's actually fighting for it. Well, actually I can. Campaign promises are often hollow in nature. That "idiot" that started the crowd funding campaign, a triple amputee veteran.

I don't claim to have the answers on Syria, but pulling out is tantamount to giving it up to Assad and Putin, and empowering ISIS. I would like to see the US support a UN role in trying to find peace there and limit violence. Yes, the UN is far from perfect -- I worked with it in the past -- but they have been a presence in Syria for years albeit without teeth. The US getting out is telling Assad he just got away with mass murder and telling Russia they can do what they want.

Nobody talks about more soldiers in Africa because it isn't true, as Irk pointed out.

The fact that the person who started the gofundme is an amputee veteran is irrelevant. I can respect his service and sacrifice and still be dumbfounded at how gullible peole have been. Did you read the gofundme page? As I stated, anyone who thinks wasting billions on building a wall -- er, "slats" -- is fooling himself. His fearmongering about how "illegal aliens" murder Americans is belied by data that show that immigrants commit fewer crimes than people born here. It's also got that fantastic "if you are not with me, you are a democrat who hates America" feel. Sorry if you think he should be accorded genius status because he's a vet, but he's clearly not a genius.
I encountered more criminals during my time in the service than at any point in my life. Think about it, if you're a teen that's always getting into trouble and unemployable, where can you go to get a regular check, a place to sleep, and hide from your ghosts? The military. The automatically honorable tag that veterans get is annoying. There are honorable vets and there are vets not worth their salt.


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After Mattis delivered his reignation letter, Trump praised him. The same day news coverage reported the content of the letter, a stinging rebuke to Trump. After two days, Trump realized that Mattis made him look like the idiot he is. I guess I don't know how Fox reported it, but all other mainstream media was candid about.

So today, Trump announced that he was firing the guy who already quit.

Trump also backpedaled on troop withdrawals for Syria.
Think of the Fed as a landlord that collects rent, then uses the rent money for your everyday expenses. The everyday expenses is also called the National Debt that is paid off as the receipts come in. If there isn't enough money then money is borrowed, which is the true National Debt. $1.5 trillion is a thousand thousands, to make millions, a thousand millions now make billions, a thousand billions is a trillion. I'm not a math expert, but that seems like a lot of money missing from the incoming taxes collected. The Fed raises the interest rate to banks, passing the loss to Joe Blow...you. Now the Fed is the enemy? Your grandfather gets mugged, and the cops arrest him for not having sufficient means of protection.


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Trump announcing a speech puportedly to invoke emergency powers to build a wall.

Huckabee Sanders claimed that 4000 people on the terrorism watch list were caught at the border. Even Fox News' Chris Wallace isn't having it -- people on the terrorism watch list were caught at airports.

So Trump's shutdown is basically weakening security at airports (with TSA personnel understandably calling in sick) while trying to sell the wall to Americans as bolstering anti-terrorism efforts.
As dumb as the fence is, let's not pretend that the TSA is anything more than theater. Granted, it sucks for the people who aren't receiving a paycheck.
Somewhat true, but not entirely -- they caught 4000 people on the watch list. Another question is just who those 4000 people are, as there are tons of stories of people with the same name as someone on the list being stopped, or people like John Lewis. But for all of the criticism of the TSA, you can't simply let people board airplanes with no security.

And if Trump is going to use the argument that security is needed to catch people on the terrorism watch list, then he can't turn around and say they were caught at the southern border when they were actually caught in airports.
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