"the Mooch"

I think both Trump and the TSA bullshit as far as catching 4,000 people because they know they have to justify their jobs while the entire populace is tired of getting their nuts/vaginas touched and standing in stupidly long lines (looking at you Atlanta) for that privilege.
Sav0r said:
I think both Trump and the TSA bullshit as far as catching 4,000 people because they know they have to justify their jobs while the entire populace is tired of getting their nuts/vaginas touched and standing in stupidly long lines (looking at you Atlanta) for that privilege.

The 4000 people caught were people who had names flagged for being on the terrorism list. Of these I can't tell you with certainty how many were actually the people who they were after, but I imagine it is fewer than 10. I think the point is that the system was able to identify people who needed extra scrutiny, and then they received extra scrutiny.

Nobody likes long lines (Seattle!) or being searched. But there isn't much of an alternative if you are worried about hijacking or people sneaking weapons and contraband onto planes. Still, I would take TSA over ICE any day. ICE has the ability to roam around the country and detain people for things such as speaking Spanish, and demand passports. I speak Spanish sometimes when I am in the US, and I would not be happy about being detained for it.

But again -- the point. You can't use catching 4000 people at airports as a justification for a wall on the southern border.


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J-Rod10 said:
That "idiot" that started the crowd funding campaign, a triple amputee veteran.


"In an update to the "We the People Will Build the Wall" campaign, Brian Kolfage wrote that rather than donating the money raised to the federal government, it would instead be handed over to a private nonprofit he said he had established in order to construct a wall himself."

"Kolfage is a recipient of the Purple Heart medal (his legs and right arm were amputated as a result of a rocket attack during his second Iraq tour), but has a history of creating and profiting from fake, inflammatory news and right-wing conspiracy theories, and has been permanently suspended from Facebook."
More on Kolfage;


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck ....
The worst of the kickstarter revolutions that. He will split off, still collect a million or two, but there will be no financial obligation at all. He just collects the dollars.

What a bunch of suckers.

That dudes wife is crazy hot though. So he's got that going, as well as his deranged financial gains, so that's nice.
Aside from all of the corruption and Guliani's idiocy, Trump proved himself completely incapable by making an impossible demand and letting 800,000 federal employees pay the price. The quotes from Trump administration officials during the shutdown revealed out of touch oligarchs.

And there are still people who believe him, and believe in him. Maybe they've grown quiet here, but they're still out there (despite approval numbers in the cellar).
carnivorous chicken said:
Aside from all of the corruption and Guliani's idiocy, Trump proved himself completely incapable by making an impossible demand and letting 800,000 federal employees pay the price. The quotes from Trump administration officials during the shutdown revealed out of touch oligarchs.

And there are still people who believe him, and believe in him. Maybe they've grown quiet here, but they're still out there (despite approval numbers in the cellar).

You can't even have a rational fact base discussion with pro-wall people. It's a religion at this point. On another forum I frequent the pro-wall people started a thread debating open border and discussing the potential pitfalls of such a system. It's a total red herring, nobody is advocating open borders. Yet they remain enraged.
Sav0r said:
You can't even have a rational fact base discussion with pro-wall people. It's a religion at this point. On another forum I frequent the pro-wall people started a thread debating open border and discussing the potential pitfalls of such a system. It's a total red herring, nobody is advocating open borders. Yet they remain enraged.

Too true. And the rhetoric is coming from the top. Trump is repeatedly saying things like "democrats don't want any borders at all" and other nonsense, when the truth is that dems supported more funding for border security, just not the idiotic wall. And of course ignoring facts goes for how drugs are smuggled into the country, the crime rate among immigrants compared to the rest of society, etc. It's just fearmongering at this point, much of it with racist origins.

There has to be some kind of catchy name for them, but I'm coming up short. The Wall Cabal?
carnivorous chicken said:
Too true. And the rhetoric is coming from the top. Trump is repeatedly saying things like "democrats don't want any borders at all" and other nonsense, when the truth is that dems supported more funding for border security, just not the idiotic wall. And of course ignoring facts goes for how drugs are smuggled into the country, the crime rate among immigrants compared to the rest of society, etc. It's just fearmongering at this point, much of it with racist origins.

There has to be some kind of catchy name for them, but I'm coming up short. The Wall Cabal?

None of this Wall stuff is about safety. Its about Republicans panicking because the Hispanic population has already grown exponentially in the US, and they traditionally vote Democrat. They are stoking the fears of the racist, xenophobes under a false pretense. Its transparent and basic, yet his base eats it up because they are beyond dumb.

IN re the country's demographics, its too late. The tide has turned and there is no stopping it. This country is changing dramatically. Sadly, there will be blood.
VintageMBike said:
None of this Wall stuff is about safety. Its about Republicans panicking because the Hispanic population has already grown exponentially in the US, and they traditionally vote Democrat. They are stoking the fears of the racist, xenophobes under a false pretense. Its transparent and basic, yet his base eats it up because they are beyond dumb.

IN re the country's demographics, its too late. The tide has turned and there is no stopping it. This country is changing dramatically. Sadly, there will be blood.

This is very true, but what are they afraid of? That as minorities they'll be treated like they treated minorities for centuries? For the Southwest, most didn't cross the border, the border crossed them in the 19th century.

I do hope you're wrong about blood. It seems it's already happening in small ways and being pushed by rhetoric.

Most hilarious moment at State of the Union: Trump bragging about women's employment and the number of women in congress while being clueless that the women there are the result of votes against him. Most puzzling moment: Trump bragging about low unemployment number and the number of people at work, then moments later claiming that illegal immigrants are stealing jobs from Americans.

This continues to feel like watching a turd slowly spinning around the bowl as the toilet is flushed, and wondering if it will eventually go down on its own or if you've got to get the plunger to move it along.
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