The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Kentucky getting Rusty.

Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! Next right, Bonnyville!

And in Bonnyville a week before.


In a small town of Glendon,



EVERYONE knows what it looks like on a stick. I didnt get to the town with the giant Kilbasa...

Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! Next right, Bonnyville!,+Alberta&daddr=54.26897,-110.7552+to:AB-882+S+to:54.18189,-110.85525+to:AB-659+E+to:AB-892+S&hl=en&sll=54.282465,-110.815659&sspn=0.250534,0.758743&geocode=FUYIPQMdbzRq-SnxkVnZ27GnUzH6w_1-Tov1Jw%3BFSoUPAMdgAJm-Sk7zuEWdgenUzGPKyf2pKxFrA%3BFSTPOwMdRu1f-Q%3BFQLAOgMdrntk-SnDB9kFcw-nUzGnI05MVgM3BA%3BFfwPPAMdmjRq-Q%3BFXjPPAMdmjRq-Q&oq=moose+lake&mra=dpe&mrsp=1&sz=11&via=1,3&t=m&z=11

I did this loup once with the wife, she wasnt feeling well so we turned back. I wanted to make St Paul a little to the south west. That would have added on short of 100km/ 60 miles.,+Alberta&daddr=Cold+Lake,+Alberta+to:AB-897+S+to:Centre+Ave+to:AB-55+W+to:Main+St%2FAB-892+S&hl=en&sll=54.39695,-110.326767&sspn=0.249838,0.758743&geocode=FUYIPQMdbzRq-SnxkVnZ27GnUzH6w_1-Tov1Jw%3BFT0PPwMdJeRu-SkX_VBlJ8qnUzEo9yebQrficg%3BFVJyPgMdyIRs-Q%3BFZJFPgMdsixu-Q%3BFdzxPgMdwyVq-Q%3BFdgAPQMdcjRq-Q&oq=cold+lake+alb&mra=dme&mrsp=5&sz=11&t=m&z=11

This is from where I live to work and around town to the marina. It is apparently the largest inland marina in Canada. The lake is over 20km wide and 30 long. It is around 350ft deep.

There isnt much in the area worth seeing. Just the Air Force base and oil industry. Its otherwise all swamp, forrest and farms.
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! Next right, Bonnyville!

So, quick update on the bell.

Unfortunately getting it to Alabama was going to be obscenely expensive ($70) and anything less expensive wouldn't have made it in time. Due to the holiday weekend here in Canada even getting it from Alberta to Ontario was impossible in time.

So the bell will miss Barber this time around.

Seeing as the bell is in Canada already, I'm hijacking it for a very short side trip to Toronto if people don't mind :) I'll take it for a post-Barber spin in Toronto and then send it on its way - is it going to New Zealand next?
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! Next right, Bonnyville!

What about a COD? I'll put a $10 in the book, and if there are 8 or 9 others who pitch in it can be there on Friday at lunch (says the post master).
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! Next right, Bonnyville!

So the bell is in-hand in Toronto. Sadly not much of a riding season left but I'll get it out for a few miles I hope. My XS is scheduled to go into the window of Town Moto here for the month of November, so the bell will make a photo-op stop there (not going to leave it on the bike for the public to snag) and then it perhaps log a few miles with me on my BMW. Will be the first time the BMW has been on the road for 3-4 years so I'll need all the bell's magic :)
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

Is this thing going to hit the road, say, around the end of May 2013?
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

Sorry guys - sort of got 'stuck' here :) I could certainly wait and bring it to Kentucky in May, or can ship it along to someone who can benefit from it sooner. Sadly the weather here is crap and there won't be any riding for a number of weeks to come.
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

Well, nobody chimed in so it's coming with me to Kentucky :) Someone there can take it on their journey home from the Spring Thaw.
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

It's sitting with my growing pile of gear for the trip. Took the BMW out for a 20 minute ride yesterday - first time in 4+ years. It's getting close.
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

The bell travelled with me for 350 miles through cottage country in Ontario and will travel with Troy, Beatnic and I to the Spring Thaw next week.

Pics to come.
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

Gremlen bell carried me safely to Troy's over 450 miles and most of the way to Kentucky.


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The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

You mean this thing actually made it out of Canada?

Re: Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

Flugtechnik said:
You mean this thing actually made it out of Canada?

Mike, are you referring to the bell or the beemer?
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

LOL, who is going to carry it out of Kentucky?
Re: The Travelling Gremlen Bell! In Toronto with Tim!

I thought Jsjamboree took it
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