The Volkswagen Thread


Mounted the body on my chassis this afternoon (although it isn't bolted down yet). I also tossed on the fenders and running boards for a quick test-fit. I'll be playing with the ride height eventually, and I either need smaller front tires, a narrowed front beam, or both. But we'll get to that eventually.

At least it is only taking up ONE space in the shop now instead of 2.
^^ Looking real good. Can't wait to do another type 1. I did a 5" narrow beam with 2.5" drops spindles and adjusters. I ran basically spare tires for front wheels and sectioned the headlight buckets.
I love my MKIV R32, but this is really calling to me.


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My 9-second VW back in 1994:

My Fastback in 1987:

Driving my friend's Super Street VW at Irwindale:

2332cc 205bhp motor in my old '65 Bug:

My old nostalgia Gasser:

My current toy:

This the tip of the iceberg, but don't have photos of all 30+ Bugs, 10+ Buses, etc. Used to have a turbocharged Mk1 Scirocco, Mk2 and Mk3 GTIs. Current daily is a Mk5 Golf TDI. I guess you could say I like VWs... 8)
Rad collection you've had. I've had roughly 30-40 waterpumpers and only 3 air cooled. I've always hung on to the air cooled longer.
Seems to be a good few VW fans who also own motorcickles....:cool: Really cool motors guys.

Here's my '71 Beetle, as modified by me over the last 6 years (owned it 10years). The usual lower 6" has been replaced, I carried out the fabrication and panel fit then had a mate MIG it up for me. I then prepared the bodywork,under a tree in a yard, before another mate shot the Rio Brown paint with a touch of matting agent. Nefarious striped it for me.

As I really fancied rolling the Halibrand reps and Rocket Launchers I had to narrow the beam 4" and fit early rear driveshafts to get the dish I wanted on the 7x15s fitted with BFGs. The 1641 engine has since been rebuilt and is quite nippy what with the Weber 34ICTs and freeflow zorst. I use it as often as I care to and have made it to two European VW events in the past year which was ace.

Cheers :)
This pic is a couple of weeks old, but I spent about four hours washing, buffing, washing, and then waxing the R. Not 100%, but looks a lot better. I was getting some oxidation on the hood/bonnet and the roof.


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Owned this one since intentions of selling it...

2300c Type 4 motor, 16" Boxster wheels, 944T brakes on all 4....



Over the years these have all graced my garage...








The blue buggy is kind of a cheater...I put a 2.2L Subaru motor in it..... :)

GF brought me a Rieger front spoiler?splitter back from germany… got it drilled primed and mounted…. need to sort paint

We just pulled the trigger on this 92 Cabriolet. It's a running/driving project.


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New wheels. They're a good VW pattern, but I didn't get any lug bolts with them and they're designed for a flat bolt of some sort (that probably came with this wheel when it was new). Need to re-cut the seats for 60-degree bolts and get some slightly longer 14mm lug bolts. Oh, and lower the back about 2-3" yet.

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