Ton-Up Ypsi June 30 2012, Who's going?

Ok gentleman i just got back from a 100 mile ride. I have been talking with another forum member here via Private Messages and he said not to take our original planned route because it is lame. So today i rode out to his house {turn off 12 mile just before Beck RD} and he showed me a wonderful back roads way that was a bit curvy and rather smooth. I will be taking that route again come Saturday. ALSO WE NEED TO MEET EARLIER @10:45AM because i am volunteering and they want me there at noon.
I am planning on being there. I got my leaky oil pan fixed on the cb350f so I have something decent to ride that won't embarass me. Look for a matador red 72 cb350f.
redwillissuperman said:
So what's the report on thunderstorms?
Its looking good. Saying an isolated storm around 11ish and 4ish I think we are gtg
If it starts raining we will find shelter trust me I have no fenders... I dont want it to rain
Not coming...what I thought was a leaky hose connection turned out to be a leaky float bowl gasket. I thought a little tighter on the screws would fix it, but it just leaks more....

Have fun
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