1972 cb/cl 100

JB77 said:
Thanks again for all the help trek.

Your welcome bud. The more I help the more I learn. The more obscure bullshit hiccups I learn about. Hell, once we find the issue it could be tire pressure. And we will all know more.
I lubed the advancer, but did not fully take it off. I'll try to find time between friends kids birthday party and work tomorrow to take it for a ride and do the rough ride test. Tire pressure is currently correct.
make absolutely certain it goes back together as it comes apart. Some of the washers are "concave springs" to help keep weights snug without binding. There is a surprising number of washers and such. no room for error there. they tend not to work as designed if you get the lobe 180 out. ;) Use grease to lube it.

A very small amount of free play seems to be the norm for the 40yr old springs/weights. Even though probably not as engineered. It is fine. Dont permanently stretch/deform the springs when pulling them off pins.

there is a shallow groove inside the lobe for holding grease. fill it.

I took a pic of mine showing all parts.
Cleaned the advance, re static set point. Ordered new oem air filter, it won't be in until end of the week. I have not had time to ride and do the chop yet.
Borrowed a strobe from a guy at work. Waiting on air filter. Hoping to get this buttoned up tomorrow. Hey Trek, when you do the strobe test do you just leave the cover open and add oil when done if any is lost, or did you build a plexiglass window?
no cover, i was pleasantly suprised to find the 100 slings virtually no oil...as compared to the 360.
i also use either a white pen or black marker to highlight the mark on rotor.
JB77 said:
Borrowed a strobe from a guy at work. Waiting on air filter. Hoping to get this buttoned up tomorrow. Hey Trek, when you do the strobe test do you just leave the cover open and add oil when done if any is lost, or did you build a plexiglass window?

What kind of strobe light did you borrow?

I may need to borrow one to mess with mine, if I decide to pull it back out of the shed.

I kinda gave up on it.
Unfortunately my filter didn't come in until just before dinner, so by the time I got home with it it was time for my kids to go to bed. Working a double tomorrow then smoking three pork shoulders Sunday while replacing a basement double sink. Hope to find time during all that to get this thing running decent.

This is the one. My friend said he has had it for over twenty years.


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Light is perfect. Ive had mine longer than Ive had my wife...going on 23 years.

Oh and what time should we show up Sunday and how much beer should we bring?
JB77 said:
Working a double tomorrow then smoking three pork shoulders Sunday

This is the one. My friend said he has had it for over twenty years.

Awww pork....love that pork....!!!!

and beer too...

Thanks for the pic of the light......think I got one of those somewhere's around here. Have had it for, oh can't remember. At least since the late 70's.
And yes, that sort of thing is the wife and mines ultimate goal.

If she packed a bag while I loaded bikes we could be to your place, at 5:30 this eve.

Hooking up w budlite in ohio. get the sink installed, bike tweaked, meat roasted and beers drank!

Driving home on Monday. That would be a riot!
Haha, I would need another shoulder. .
We are going to share a pig with my parents soon. We're on a list with a seller. I don't think I could raise my own bacon.
Nice, I cut a bit of the outer protective sheath (Do not cut into the plug wire insulation) off the plug wire nearest the coil. Gave it about 5 wraps and taped it tight as I could. works well....as well as a $12 tach can. Like I said, its got a bit of lag. But it works.
Put the tachometer on, warmed the bike up, set the idle to 1200 rpm. Before running the bike it was static timed to fire on the F. When strobe is attached at 1200rpm the timing is way off, when I adjusted the advance to get the timing to fire on the f with the strobe it ran like garbage would bog and stall if given any throttle, and would not turn off by the switch or key. I had to bog it to get it to turn off, acting like preignition( just keeps running). I set it back to where it was at static point and it ran decent, just having the lean issue still. Is there something I'm missing with the timing. Could there be something more out of whack here. I believe I did all the static work at tdc like the manual states.
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