I tried B9EV platinum plugs (bought a box as I thought I would need them) but switched back to stock B8ES as 9's didn't get hot enough even with 87 octane pump gas.(I bought two boxes of B8ES in 2011 still have most of them as plugs only need changing after 20,000miles or more, I'm only a bit over 10% of that.)
Is Lani still doing copper gaskets (Copper Gaskets Unlimited) I always recommend him as you can mix and match to get correct clearance.
He was listing at least four different thicknesses, 1/32" to 1/16"
After making them from copper sheet since the 70's he's probably cheaper than buying copper and DIY'ing them (and definitely more convenient)
Use Permatex copper spray on gaskets after softening and cleaning.
He must have made a few hundred by now, there are a lot of 'CB390's ' out there (I think I sold four or five blocks with pistons from 2008~2011 and still have four for my own bikes)
Copper base gasket helps heat flow from top end to crankcase.
Get heavy duty clutch springs, clutch will slip after conversion.
There is also a clutch hub modification to help plates stay slightly cooler, it's very common on modern 'super-bikes' but was pretty unknown in 70's.(my shop foreman never understood it, we had some great 'discussions')
Suzuki actually had a press release for new GSX-R in 2009 or 2010 saying holes were enlarged to improve clutch action!

Oh, no idea what clearance your machinist will use but I find 0.0017" (+ 0.0002", - 0.0000") good with stock cast GS850 pistons