well, i finally have something worthy of sharing, but i dont know if anyone else has brought it up. Plasti-dip, its rubberized tool dip that costs about 7 bucks a 14 ounce can, and comes in a crap ton of colors. ill list off the applications. i took my levers and chopped the ball ends on the front brake and clutch, then dipped them a few times in the graphite grey for a real racy look, and it slips when you want it to, and grips when it needs to! ive also used these for when making custom wire looms, i literally dip the whole wire grouping in a 1" cookie sheet, then keep turning it like a rotisserie and hit it with a blowdryer. you can also use this to repair cracked clutch or throttle cables. when i swapped out my muffs on the 360 i lost the rubber stops for the bottom of the can where the kickstand hits. i taped off a square on the can, then used a paintbrush, and built it up. ive also used it on my seat mounts, because i am running 4 steel tabs off the top of the frame to where the fiberglass mounts. all i did was paint it on the top and it really makes the diffrence! they have many diffrent kinds from course grit to smooth and shiny. it also helps if you have areas that rub together, and tend to become rusty. clean up the area, dip or paint! this stuff is also semi sand-able, so go nuts!