Hahahahahah! Yeah, I know I'm immature.Derek4Real3 said:...Vajayjay...
calmoc9 said:Searched and couldn't find anything. What have you guys done to replace/repair the starter button? How many amps was the stock one rated for? Opened up the whole assembly tonight and the plastic casing that held the switch took a crap in my hand.
JRK5892 said:easy fix... glue some screen on the inside man, will still look cool an have the protection you need
Terry said:I would post pics but, quite frankly, I'm embarassed to show my garage!! When I get going on a project I don't even think about putting shit away or sweeping or anything, I just focus on the task at hand. My shop where I teach school is far more orgnaized and cleaner than my garage!!!! I hope that doesn't make me a bad person, but this weekend I'll cleanup a bit and take some pics. Believe it or not it's cold as hell here in North Florida this week, not Chicago or Toronto cold, but cold for us pussy boys in Floriday.
J'ville, Fl.
adamrjordan said:Terry:
Can you explain some more about how you removed the light cluster and relocated the key ignition? I'm trying to figureout how to get rid of the light cluster and just have the key ignition so that it gives me more room to lower my tach and speedo for a more streamline look. Any info would be appreciated.
JRK5892 said:my buddy ICE came up wiht this one... works great i use it all the time to clean up wires and get it together:
Cheap alterative to the billet clamps and other bought stuff. Use zip ties and tuding to create your own spacers. Turns out to be shock mounted too.