Absolutely nothing to do with bikes. Makes fun of our govt

I might be a Canadian, and I really couldnt give a fuck less about Obama, but he's not the one put your country into a deficit. Just sayin' ! There is this place called Iraq where yalls been dumping truckloads of money and young men. Gets expensive after a while.

We should start more wars.

That'll save money.

Or up the defense budget while obliterating the budgets for education.

Oh, better idea, decide that whoever is elected that doesnt agree with your ideals is wrong.

Or we could actually be pro-active and stop allowing massive corporations to run our country.
We could really try to care about the humans wwe share this part of the globe with.
Ohhhhhh SHIT!



Too much work.
I agree with you guys both. Funny thing, when the U.S. entered WWII, our economy boosted because the Govt. actually purchased from their own country's businesses, now when we go to war, we buy all of our supplies overseas. Hmmmm I'm all for trading with our brothers in the north. But, we're supplying China, a Communistic society and yet I can't buy a Cuban cigar because of the embargo put in place due to Cuba also being a Communistic nation?
:( I used to think that "our leadership" in D.C. was just incompetent.
I've come to realize that they are running our country into the ditch on purpose.
I dread what the next generation will have to deal with. :(
I heard congress was going to bring in Bernard "Bernie" Madoff to help them with the deficit, if he made millions disappear, maybe he can make trillions disappear.
VonYinzer said:

We should start more wars.

That'll save money.

Or up the defense budget while obliterating the budgets for education.

Oh, better idea, decide that whoever is elected that doesnt agree with your ideals is wrong.

Or we could actually be pro-active and stop allowing massive corporations to run our country.
We could really try to care about the humans wwe share this part of the globe with......
Re: Re: Absolutely nothing to do with bikes. Makes fun of our govt

4eyes said:
:( I used to think that "our leadership" in D.C. was just incompetent.
I've come to realize that they are running our country into the ditch on purpose.
I dread what the next generation will have to deal with. :(

This is exactly what keeps me from bringing new life into this world. I am sympathetic for the newly and not yet born. I wouldn't want to inherit the mile markers on the road to the current future.

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I feel sorry for my American friends, to think they have to go through this. Just so frustrating that so many people in positions of power can be so irresponsible, and that so many people can be so apathetic that they can't seem to be bothered to stand up for themselves. Then again, we have the same problem in Australia, the government could install a dictatorship could be bothered protesting, we'd rather go to the pub and watch the footy. Methinks we're living at the crossroads of history...
Having worked in politics for a decade I have to say it's not that people are apathetic in the US, it is that there has been a well organized "divide and conquer" culture built around political ideals. If we could take a break from simmering over differences, stop calling each other names and work for common goals (I mean last checked congress had a 6% approval rating) we might be able to get shit done.
There are these two hippies that have been protesting for 6-7 years in downtown Sacramento, at first with signs to end the war. But their focus shifter 2-3 years ago and now they're bashing the Tea Party, one sign saying they're fake-patriot dipshit Tea Baggers. So they went from trying to focus peoples attention on an issue in order to build support, to just being assholes.
I sometimes wonder, driving by, if they ever look past their prejudice and consider that the Tea party folks might be anti-war as well.
Yes, up to a point and that point was that it was designed to deride the current administration when they were only partially to blame.

It's not spending that causes the problem as such and all this big government talk is deliberately divisive and crappy politics. The real underlying problem is politics being more important than economics. Couple that to out of control military spending. 4 Billion unaccounted for in Iraq in CASH. And why were we there anyway? - Domestic Politics and stupid misplaced ideology couple to people with out the balls to say NO we Don't agree. - why because tehy were sacred they would look weak.

We currently have a set of bullies on one side and set of people lacking direction on the other.

They talk about medicare costs rising so the solution is to cut services. How about we address out of control costs. We spend twice as much per capita for health care (as a nation) and are rated around 40th in terms of outcomes. That tells us we have problems and we need to have a sensible adult conversation about how we plan to cut the Cost - not the level of care.

The Tea baggers - there is no Tea Party - are right to focus on the financial situation and to demand that we look at what we are doing - but their solution is beyond economically naive. They need to keep the heat turned up but to back off with short sighted "solutions". They can be the voice of low cost but they can't do that if they also demand a solution that all economists agree will cause another deeper recession.

They need to mature and learn when they need to push and shout and when to step back and take credit for being agents of change and to take a breather and let the process work. If they don't learn when to step back and shut the *7^% up, then they are part of the problem and don't deserve a place at the table to work out a solution that we can all live with.

At the moment they have no idea how to balance their right to be heard with their responsibility to listen and learn.

So let's encourage our elected representatives to talk seriously about significant reductions in war efforts and the waste and abuse there, without harming the brave few that are out there putting their lives on the line for us. And have them address the out of control cost of health care for all of us regardless of how it's paid for.

And let's start to talk about how to stimulate the economy and create jobs for workers and let's stop the BS about making the rich even richer. That's unAmerican because it's socially unjust.
I think a good portion of this is owed to the fact that America has been blessed with great success, and with that success has fallen victim to a handout mentality. This is not to decry legitimate social programs, but there is something wrong when everyone tries to make a fast buck on everyone elses screw ups. And the government panders to this "something for nothing" mentality--we elect them because of what we can get out of them, not because of what may be good for the nation as a whole. Sad, but true...

For example (as in education), there was a day when those that had kids needing an education banded together and paid someone to provide that education. The kids got taught, the teacher got paid if she did her job, and the parents took an active role in their kids' lives. That system of individual responsibility has since morphed into our current system that provides kids with three meals a day, whatever socio-political curricula the responsible party deems fit, huge sports and technology budgets, ego-inflating "individuality pandering" and some of the lowest education credentials in the world. And this is because we are the civilized "progressive" nation, where the government we elect knows better about these things than do we.

It is not about Republican, Democrat, Obama, or the Tea Baggers. It is about a vast movement of people shirking their individual responsiblity to their nation to be productive, hardworking, non-complaining, and civic minded citizens. We lost that somewhere.
If you want to have a reasonable idea where the money is going,


t71ford said:
.............................................but there is something wrong when everyone tries to make a fast buck on everyone else's screw ups. And the government panders to this "something for nothing" mentality--we elect them because of what we can get out of them, not because of what may be good for the nation as a whole. Sad, but true...

We lost that somewhere.

America was pretty much built on hard work and 'there's one born every minute'.
The vast population wanted nothing more than to be left alone to get on with their lives, but, there were always the greedy who got rich at the expense of others
Is there anyone here who doesn't want 'a good deal' even when you know someone has an issue forcing them to sell?
I've always paid a fair price for stuff, even when most people think I overpaid or even got ripped off (about 7yrs ago I paid $650 for an XS650 as guy I knew really needed the money)
It was probably worth $50~ $250, stripped down and parts missing
I bought 'multi-machine' off friend who couldn't use it for same price he paid because he was going through a messy divorce
You could say I was helping out or even 'charity' but in neither case was it 'something for nothing' or a loan
Things were worse in the 80's, 'Greed is good ' was the buzz back then, this is just a continuation.
If people were not trying to get 'something for nothing' this situation would not exist
The administration is been basically dishonest, has been since 'career politicians' took over (1950's or earlier?)
Whatever, too much writing ::)
They have been kicking the deficit "can" down the road since the Carter administration. Ignoring many calls from the population to pass a balanced budget amendment. They keep spending money like drunken frat-boys with their daddy's charge card. And they make the next generation pay the bills, instead of saying, "Lets act like responsible adults and only spend what we have."
All good points. And with one thing in common, that we all agree it's time for politicians to start leading. To me, one of teh major roles of a government is to create an environment in which we are all encouraged to make teh right decisions. That's always a mix of services and regulation and only enough to generate the right outcome. It's not that all regulation is right or wrong and we have a range of opinions as to how much is too much and that's not the underlying issue.

Where are the planners in our current government (by that I mean congress as well as the administration)? Where are the groups of people working through how to generate jobs and how to drive down the total cost of healthcare. One problem we have is that as soon as anyone is elected, they start work on getting re-elected rather than on doing the work they are well paid to do.

We also have by design, the weakest political and administrative system in the world and it has become almost completely dysfunctional.

Balanced budget over the long term is the right answer but that approach doesn't work for households or government or business as a short term approach. If you and I or our company's used that approach we could never borrow money to buy a new car or house or expand our business. The difference is that we know we have to pay it back sometime and the government thinks they can keep spending forever and that won't work. Eventually the interest cost alone will consume the total GDP.

We need to start reducing the deficit and soon if we wish to push back the eventual demise of the US economy. At the rate we are going, we will be a third world economy within 2 decades and I doubt that politics will become any more civil until the next revolution or the first US dictator is in office.

It really is time for people to talk and to tell our congressmen and women that we want to see their plans to reduce costs - not just services and what their vision is for the US and what their plan is to get there. The US economy grew fastest in times of high taxes and tight regulations so low taxes are not actually the answer to economic growth. Companies are sitting on record amounts of cash, so low taxes won't help them to invest either.

I want (as if that matters!) to see Republicans stop demanding lower taxes because it has no economic validity, and I need to see Democrats talking about how to cut costs - intelligently. We need to hear both sides explore together how we can grow employment and wealth which comes from teh bottom up and never from the top down.

And as individuals we all need to stop feeling entitled and start working out how we can all work together while we still ahve something to work for.

Soapbox down.. :)
I think a major step in the right direction is to reinstate the WPA. People getting cash (or health care, or cell-phones) from the gov't just for being poor is BS. Make them work for their money building our countries infrastructure. It teaches them a trade and it builds self esteem and confidence.
Some of our (local) most beautiful and functional public places were built during the last depression.

"The US economy grew fastest in times of high taxes and tight regulations so low taxes are not actually the answer to economic growth."
You have your cause and effect backwards there. The fastest growing economy was able to support a heavy tax burden. If people have lower taxes, they have more cash to buy goods and services, thus stimulating manufacturing and service sector businesses, which in turn leads to more hiring. More hiring means more people with cash to spend. THEN raise taxes to pay down the deficit if needed. But I think the increase in GDP will generate enough tax revenue at lower tax levels to do the job.
It's better to have a thousand people paying 10%, than 100 paying 30% of their income.
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