Absolutely nothing to do with bikes. Makes fun of our govt

Is this the change we wanted?
If this were a country in the middle east we would have rallied in the streets of washington with molotov cocktails and assault rifles. Why wouldnt a massive protest on the steps of capitol hill worked? I think as a country we are all too comfortable screaming at the tv and being disgusted with the people we vote into office. We cant be bothered with actually rallying and protesting for our cause. Imagine assault rifles and mayhem in DC. I bet our govt would end up being the most genocidal of all nations. Would other countries come to our aid? Doubt it. We are the USA, we run the world. Sort of. We run the money. Ever notice how NO ONE ever fucks with China? Maybe we should start just being the spectator. Where is it written that the USA has to be the police of the world? The romans lasted for 800 years, greeks got about 1000, so that means we are on our last 100 so.
I really hope we can get through this next 5 to 10 years without being someones bitch. Or wait, are we already?
P.s. Still waiting on my new cam chain guide to get the bike back together, any suggestions on case sealer?
I like Suzuki Bond 1216 for case sealer . but, it's expensive so I use Threebond 1104
4eyes said:
Sorry refheadgl, were not drinking the socialist koolaid. We already know we can't trust our gov't with anything of importance.

If one can't trust a government by the people and for the people then where does one place their trust? In the corporations? To trust only oneself is a bit foolish. There's a reason it's called "society".

Biologically speaking, we may still be most adept at acting like small tribes of people, but lets not fool ourselves. We're rapidly approaching 7 billion people on this planet and continuing to act like its 1776 isn't going to get us anywhere. Adapt or die.
Ah but tribal is our nature and under stress that's where we tend to go back to. In Europe we see it as regionalism, in the US its being forced along different lines, but intrinsically we feel more comfortable with "people like me".

It comes down to pattern recognition. One of the most basic brain functions we have is the ability to recognize shapes and movement to determine whether something represents a threat, and tat still works really well. Unfortunately it's hard wired to the fight or flight department and that means that we react emotionally (fight or flight) to stimulus that the brain thinks represents danger and the criterion for that is behavior.

If we see or hear something we often react emotionally way before we have started to think about the issues. I'm told that when the brain detects something it sees as a threat it pumps more blood and oxygen to the "fight or fight center" and it restricts blood to the rational part of the brain where we listen and think and debate.

That's why you can't rationally discuss something with someone who is emotional - they can't hear you until they calm down. Fear is used by crafty and manipulative politicians to create that reaction. So they say this thing represents a threat to your life/economy/family and after hearing it a few times it starts to become a pattern that we recognize and then accept and when the opposition appears, we react emotionally to the stimulus.

It's a powerful, manipulative tool that is being used more and more often in politics and when we feel an emotional reaction to something in the political arena we need to ask ourselves why we feel that way and what proof we actually have for the underlying belief.

Some politicians don't want us to think or debate issues. They want us to react emotionally and get all upset. We can resist that and can think about the issues and talk about them openly and when we want to jump on some one else's thread, we probably need to step away from the keyboard and take a time out.

We can turn this country around, but it will not be easy and it won't be by turning it over the a few overpaid people or to what's left of unions when the GOP finishes with them.

Libertarians, like any other group, are entitled to their opinion and their input, but big business is not entitled to take that movement and subvert it for their own ends. Voters need to get more involved and that's the bottom line. We need to listen and we need to be heard - not herded.

And I asked my wife to hide that damn soapbox. :)
I agree with all of those up in arms defending the current administration. I don't think Obama has pushed to spend too much money. In fact, I think he should spend more money; much more. I breathed a sigh of relief when we managed to raise the debt ceiling. People keep griping about silly things, like how government debt will equal the entire GDP in just a few years, but that's actually great news! It just means that other nations are so confident in America's economy that they're willing to buy up treasuries, right? Now we should go on permanently solving economic problems the way we've done it since FDR. Of course, we need to raise the tax rates, and I think corporations should be the first ones in line. I think that corporate rates should obviously be well above 75%, because they do nothing but run this country into the ground. In fact, we should ban them.

I enjoyed the video. It was clever and well-written. I love you all, even the smelly hippies
platkeyboy said:
I agree with all of those up in arms defending the current administration. I don't think Obama has pushed to spend too much money. In fact, I think he should spend more money; much more. I breathed a sigh of relief when we managed to raise the debt ceiling. People keep griping about silly things, like how government debt will equal the entire GDP in just a few years, but that's actually great news! It just means that other nations are so confident in America's economy that they're willing to buy up treasuries, right? Now we should go on permanently solving economic problems the way we've done it since FDR. Of course, we need to raise the tax rates, and I think corporations should be the first ones in line. I think that corporate rates should obviously be well above 75%, because they do nothing but run this country into the ground. In fact, we should ban them.

I enjoyed the video. It was clever and well-written. I love you all, even the smelly hippies

Sarcasm doesn't always carry so well over the Internet.
I guess I should have made it a question instead of a statement. I honestly wasn't sure if you were being sarcastic. Now that I am sure you're being sarcastic, maybe, in the future, you could be more constructive in your comments? I know I'm not the only one that would prefer to keep this conversation at an adult level and in my experience sarcastic comments are designed to prevent the further exchange of ideas rather than to promote free discussion.

As far as the video goes, I'm not sure anyone is better at making fun of Congress than Congress, itself. I just read an article and apparently there's an issue with funding the FAA. Their budget (for some reason I'm still investigating) gets voted on separately. The Republican-controlled Congress drafted a bill to finance the FAA for a set amount of time but it includes a rider that eliminates subsidies for rural airports. But get this: It only affects the states of key Democratic senators. I love how they can sit in DC for a few weeks out of the year and get paid obscene amounts of money to play with people's lives.
Re: Re: Absolutely nothing to do with bikes. Makes fun of our govt

revheadgl said:
Just read this little gem.

Besides the fact that I wouldnt mug anyone, I am glad I live half way over the other side of the world from you.

No wonder firearm related deaths are some 1500% higher per capita, (yes, 15 times higher per capita) in the USA than Australia. Nuff said.

Please cite your statistics. Are you including gun related suicide?

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I'll just assume your using wikipedia.

If you're taking HOMICIDE, Australia isn't that far off from the US. SUICIDE is.

We're just that more efficient at ending it. :)

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I think this thread should be nearing its end...

What was originally intended for light joking has started a turn for the ugly side of political discussion. So before I vote to abandon this one before someone gets hurt! :p
Re: Re: Absolutely nothing to do with bikes. Makes fun of our govt

OpTiCz said:
Please cite your statistics. Are you including gun related suicide?

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In Orlando (Fl.) area, in the last week, 7 or 8 shot dead. (just trying to remember the bits of news I've seen.)
I watch local news, covers from roughly Orlando to Daytona, not a particularly large area
Police killed one last night, 4 murdered in one shooting, two women shot in the head Thursday.
Not including any suicides, that's just the stuff I remember, I'm sure if I actually checked it will be a larger number.
It's true though, if handguns are banned, only criinals will have them (including the criminals with uniforms and badges)
When tazers first came out couple of years ago, it only took Orlando police 24 hrs to kill someone with them
Edit to clarify.
I just re-read what I typed, it didn't take 24hrs tazering, it only took 24 hrs to find out how to use Tazer as a lethal weapon (but you knew what I meant)
Orlando police scare me
Wow, death by tazer would suck. Reminds me of The Hangover. "In the face". Cops here in Chicago are some of the worst.

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