Been Around the Block
My neighbor told me about a 1967 BSA A65 Lightning he had in his shed that hadn't seen light of day in 20 years. One thing let to kinda followed me home:
First Order of business was to give it a good wash:
Bugger. First order of business was to give it a good wash:
Now I'm fairly experienced with stuff from the 80s on, but not with 60s British, so I have a lot of learning ahead. Can I ask you guys on the forum who know about these things to comment on the following:
1. What tools do I need to add? I have a fairly well equipped home garage that has all the metric tools you'll ever need for modern Triumphs, Hondas and Guzzis. What do I need to add for an old Beeza?
2. My only resource is a Haynes manual from the 60s also
. What web or print resources do you recommend I read for good background, other people's restoration blogs etc? I'm sure there's good stuff on here and I'll be using the Search, but any pointers to good threads and/or authors is greatly appreciated
3. What modifications should I do to the engine, or make sure have already been done to the engine? I'm not planning a rivet-perfect restoration, and already intend to convert to 12V negative earth, electronic ignition, solid-state rectifier etc. What's the shopping list for mods for a well-sorted, happily running Lightning?
4. Can the eagle-eyed spot any non-stock parts? The forks don't look like OE gear, and the headlamp bracket sure ain't. Just curious what the photos might say to an expert.
Anyway, thanks for any and all help,
- Mark

First Order of business was to give it a good wash:

Bugger. First order of business was to give it a good wash:

Now I'm fairly experienced with stuff from the 80s on, but not with 60s British, so I have a lot of learning ahead. Can I ask you guys on the forum who know about these things to comment on the following:
1. What tools do I need to add? I have a fairly well equipped home garage that has all the metric tools you'll ever need for modern Triumphs, Hondas and Guzzis. What do I need to add for an old Beeza?
2. My only resource is a Haynes manual from the 60s also
3. What modifications should I do to the engine, or make sure have already been done to the engine? I'm not planning a rivet-perfect restoration, and already intend to convert to 12V negative earth, electronic ignition, solid-state rectifier etc. What's the shopping list for mods for a well-sorted, happily running Lightning?
4. Can the eagle-eyed spot any non-stock parts? The forks don't look like OE gear, and the headlamp bracket sure ain't. Just curious what the photos might say to an expert.
Anyway, thanks for any and all help,
- Mark