Cafe Racer Music?

O.K., a little late for Halloween, but there have been several songs taken from the 1971 Horror/Biker B-movie "Werewolves On Wheels." All of the following have a song called "Werewolves on Wheels" - The Born Losers, the Wiretaps, Motorgoat and Ghoultown. They're all on youtube. Also, I have another "Werewolves on Wheels" song on some comp album and I think the band was called Werewolves on Wheels too, but I can't remember where it is and didn't find it on youtube,
I've been too busy to be on the site for a while but I found another motorcycle themed oldie and thought I would resurrect this sucka. The new addition is the cheesy Rebel Rider by Phil Campos. Came across it again while converting some vinyl to digital.
I spoke of these guys in a thread a year ago...

Pretty good.

Kind of arrogant, they claim to be the first Psychobilly band but whatever.

Not sure how to post videos but here is a link.
Fat Willy said:
I spoke of these guys in a thread a year ago...

Pretty good.

Kind of arrogant, they claim to be the first Psychobilly band but whatever.

Not sure how to post videos but here is a link.

Meh, not bad. But I think they missed the bus on first psychobilly, by about 30 years. See Hasil Adkins. Maybe the inspiration for some Misfits lyrics?

Or at least by 15 years- The Cramps, 1975
I think the Hellbillys' claim is "longest running psycobilly band"
Here's to the revered and lamented Hasil Adkins. As I mentioned in this thread some time back, there are pics of Hasil on a motorcycle on one of the repro 45's I have of his.
Cant get a computer just yet, but look up "Panheads Forever" by David Allen Coe. Not cafe related, but maybe the best (only) slow country love song written to a motorcycle.
Diggin' the Dukes!

There might have been music in that video...I was too busy looking at the bikes...
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I just can't seem to figure out how to embed a video...trying it again...all I'm seeing is code at this I remove the "frame width/iframe" text before posting the embedded video?

Anyway...this is a cafe-esque video...assuming anyone can see it...sigh
OK...I eliminated the framing text on either side of the link, but still all I can do is produce a link, whereas everyone else is able to insert the actual video that you can just click on..

I know Amal carbs and points, but this eludes me...the help section isn't assisting, probably because this is so basic...any hints?
VonYinzer said:
Cant get a computer just yet, but look up "Panheads Forever" by David Allen Coe. Not cafe related, but maybe the best (only) slow country love song written to a motorcycle.

Yeah I hate to admit I like that song. Too bad it was written by a racist bastard.
So...any help in telling me how to actually post a video here? I get the link part, but not how to actually post the video that you can see the first frame and simply click on it, like everyone else is doing...

C'mon, it's not like I'm asking for an essay on why pod air filters are so bad...
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