CBR600F2 project


Active Member
I am just starting this project. The plan is to take a 1992 CBR600F2 down to the frame and rebuild it as some kind of fighter looking thing. I like minimalist bikes, and have already chopped off some of the sub-frame.

here are a couple photos, one the day I bought it a couple weeks ago, one of the rough-cut subframe, and one where it stands now ready to drop the motor out.

I will post more as the bike takes shape.



more progress. mostly just tearing it down and dropping the motor out. Finally though, the majority of stuff is off the frame. I still have to take the shock off, and remove the triples. then its time to prep and paint the frame and swingarm. I also want to clean and paint the motor (black). one of the things I am thinking about is putting MX risers on it, so I need to find a way to mount those to the stock triple tree. there isn't much metal to just drill and bolt something on.



yeah I am definitely liking the white wheels. they are in great shape too.

Now I need to design a good look for the bike based on white wheels, and I have some ideas. I just finished up the last of the tear down. Everything is stripped off the frame and it is ready for prep.
I have a 1995 CBR600 that I am parting out and still have a good bit of stuff to sale from it, if you are interested in something I may have just shoot me a PM and I will help out with what I can! I will be watching to see where this one goes! Good luck!
thanks. I will let you know if I need some parts.

so finally the frame. some cutting and grinding of tabs, mounts, etc and then a good degrease, light sanding, cleaning, and primer. might take a week or two for all that.

its always a great point in a re-build when you get it down to the frame.

what are you going to do in terms of plastics or fairings? that is going to have a major flow on what and how to tie in the white wheels, even wheel stripes can tie in anothe color to your wheels super easy!
there will be no plastics. I will use the stock tank, run a modified stock seat with a custom tail section/tail light. there may be a bobbed front fender, or no fender at all. I am thinking of making some sheet metal body "panels" to fit between the 4 open sections on the sub frame. or else leaving all that naked. at the front I may run a small fairing with headlight, or just some small lights with no fairing.

to give you an idea of what I might do for the tail this photo is a CB550F where I used a modern integrated signal/tail light unit and then made a fiberglass/sheet metal seat/tail section for it. I like the bare metal look, but I dont think it would pop as much with white as the color. I have been thinking about painting the frame white, with the "drop down" front engine mounts painted black to better blend in with the motor/radiator. I am doing some photoshop stuff to see what looks good and come up with an accent color.

In the mean time plenty to do with the angle grinder and sandpaper.

The subframe on the F2s are not very pleasing to the eye when left naked. I suggest retrofitting an F3 tail section with an under tail kit. It you don't want to go that route, you can just cut it all off and weld up a new subframe that will look good naked and maybe a small cowl end or bumstop. I also think your frame would look better black and use some of the engine cases and the tins as the color to tie it all together. You could go with almost any color then with large accent color of white on them to tie in the wheels (i.e. racing stripes, grafficss..ect...), then run a pen stripe around the lip of the rim in the color you choose. It will really give it a tough fighter feel then too! If you want to get really crazy and you think you have the skill to pull it off, paint all the tins & cases white and try some graffics on the tank and tail in black that mimmic the affliction art on the shirts that is so popular now. That with the black frame and black stripes on the wheels, well I have to say, would look pretty sick! I am not a fan of the shirts or the brand for that matter, but it seems to be big with the fighter crowd!
I dont want to take it to the level of welding a custom subframe. it is beyond my abilities and the scope of the project. but I think I can cut/grind/sand/fill/paint the naked stock subframe to look good, or make some custom panels for it. The tail I would rather make my own than use one from an F3. but I agree, that is a nice looking conversion. I have seen a couple of those and the full undertail kits do make for a clean look.

still working on prepping the frame and swingarm for primer.
well, I finally finished up the prep on the frame and swingarm, cleaned them up, and shot some primer. I am still not certain what color to paint them, so while I think it over I will start cleaning and de-greasing the motor. Then it will get a coat of black engine paint.

I picked up a tail light, turn signal switch, kill switch, and start button. Still shopping for tires, that will be my next major purchase for this project.

This is one reason why I got a bit side-tracked on the F2, it's a '66 CL160 that I recently picked up, and have been messing around with ever since. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with it.

But tonight, back to the F2....time to scrub the motor.

Naw, forget the high-tech CBR, get that 160 back to life!

Kidding man, but let me know if you start dismantling the 160. I might need something off of that.....
maybe you can make your clip ons in to risers? completely dismantling a modern bike and putting it back together seems like a monumental undertaking, good luck
dcmspikes said:
maybe you can make your clip ons in to risers? completely dismantling a modern bike and putting it back together seems like a monumental undertaking, good luck

I am still undecided about clip-ons vs. risers. I want to see how the bike comes together, then go with what fits the look and feel best. Fitting some clamps to the top triple and then putting a set of MX bars on there would give it more of a "fighter" look. Clip-ons = racer. I should plan this kind of thing out more from the get-go, but I tend to be more seat-of-the-pants when it comes to building bikes.

Regarding the "modern" bike thing (it is almost 20 years old), I found the take-down on the F2 to be no more difficult than say a 70s CB. In many ways it is easier since there are fewer years of grime and grease to clean up, fasteners are easier to break free, wiring is in better shape, improved engineering, etc.

Now if it were a fuel injected R1 or something like that, yeah, I wouldn't touch it. All the components and systems on the F2 are pretty simple.
fastcat14 said:
Regarding the "modern" bike thing (it is almost 20 years old), I found the take-down on the F2 to be no more difficult than say a 70s CB. In many ways it is easier since there are fewer years of grime and grease to clean up, fasteners are easier to break free, wiring is in better shape, improved engineering, etc.

I agree - I can strip my ZX9 down to a rolling chassis in no time. All the connectors are either different pins / shapes or are color coded so you CAN'T mix them up, and most of the bolts / fasteners are the same head size (5 or 6MM allen heads). The Japs started making things easier in the late 90's so they could roll more bikes out of the factory quicker.
well, I finally made it to the "putting it all back together" stage of the build. I ended up having the frame powdercoated. after priming it I realized that trying to do a decent job on it with rattle cans would be difficult. the guy did a nice job and the color is called blood red. it is a darker red than appears in the pics and looks nice. I did rattle can the swingarm because I didn't want to go through pulling and pressing the bearings, and possibly having to put new ones in there. I was originally thinking white red and black, but decided on white red and gray after doing some sketches. After looking at it painted I'm not really crazy about the gray, but I'm going to keep it as is for now. maybe a satin black would work better. If I still don't like it after getting the wheels and front end on, then it will be a matter of pulling the swingarm back off and painting it again which isn't a big deal. Lots of work ahead still, but at least moving in the right direction now where stuff is going ON the bike and not off!

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