Cutting up the frame

Wrong bike. Commandos are almost as bad as BSA's - are we still bashing them or can we change to Norton now.
It's not all about doing the ton, is it?

I am working on only a stupid 125cc but i like to work and ride on it and make it a better riding experience for me. so what if you don't like the look of my bike, or the fact I run pods or my poor welds on my frame.

I don't think the oldtimers on here did everything perfectly right on their first bike, so why would we?

we all like motorcycles, to look at, to work on, to talk about and most of all to ride. we like to watch eachothers builds as we like to help eachother out. we like to learn and to educate others. and what sacrifice are a few motorcycles in exchange for knowledge and learning new skills?

but fuck all hipsters, they don't count.
jungalist said:
but fuck all hipsters, they don't count.

Priceless. LOL

And don't go bad mouthing 125's they can be fun little bikes and you're right, it's all about making the most out of what you have - what "most" is, is up to you to define for your needs and wants. Keep having fun and learning. And those were not "mistakes". They were "learning opportunities" :)
jungalist said:
a stupid 125cc …

What was it Ben Bostrom said?

Something along the lines "the less horsepower a bike has, the more it can teach you". Since I've been riding a Skyteam Ace for a bit over a year now, I can assure you that I've learned (and re-learned) many things.

jungalist said:
I don't think the oldtimers on here did everything perfectly right on their first bike, so why would we?
Don't get it twisted!! Yes they did,and thats the point. There are many older gentlemen here that have tried crazy shit and thats why they point people in a different direction. There are also many that are willing to help you a lot,but you have to be open minded and listen. Just because you THINK it will work doesn't mean it will work good. You can have a killer bike thats not stock and run/ride great and these gentlemen can help,but you need to give them the respect they are due. For they can save you a lot of time,headache,and even your life.
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