Lurking with intent to loiter

Take a look at this chassis - then compare it with the Brooklands Meteor ?

Look very similar to me - could be a starter for 10



This one's all mine now !

The seller confirms that the original stub axle has been replaced with the more modern Indespension unit - it's looking very much like it is a Brooklands Meteor chassis.

I'm also bidding on a complete sports outfit - it's the Velorex copy.

As it's GRP, I'm thinking of knocking up a Stoye rep using the base Velorex body. That'll look right at home on this style of chassis with the quarter eliptical springs.

This has a very "Stoye" look about it - love the peak on the front and rear. Fill the door openings with a decent shape - Brooklands screen. Possibilities - currently £60.


Garrard S90

My chassis arrives in the next few days - then I can have a good look at the possibilities for Cafe Creme.

I don't want to compromise the Boardtracker style, and I think that would be best achieved with the Goodwood Meteor style chair.

If it doesn't "look" right, then the chair will be going on the BMW Streetfighter.
my favourite sidecar, just wanted to share ;) keep the updates coming ;D


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Even when you get past the craftsmanship - there's the visionary mind that conceived it - wow indeed. Thanx for sharing AC. ;)
More racer-oriented inspiration: 8)

WOW! Is that really a rear swing arm on the front as it appears?
Alway thought my bikes were too weak at 750cc or less for a Hack (other than the GL1100) , but I do have a line on an old Kawasaki Z1300 - 6 cyl that needs work.
Hmmmm ::)

Found this in my searches, thought I'd share

Hoosier Daddy said:
WOW! Is that really a rear swing arm on the front as it appears?
Alway thought my bikes were too weak at 750cc or less for a Hack (other than the GL1100) , but I do have a line on an old Kawasaki Z1300 - 6 cyl that needs work.
Hmmmm ::)

Found this in my searches, thought I'd share


That's a throwback to the early 60's. Those of us who couldn't afford Beemer leading link or Earles [ the real deal ] forks, simply used a swingarm unit turned around. Had the benefit of built in spindle and wheel fitting.

Still works nowadays ! Nothing new under the Sun eh ?
Hoosier, there where a lot of light weight hacks made back in the day for the smaller CC bikes.
Finally found a decent "donor" body to modify Stoye style.

Just won this on e-bay with £7 to spare on my top bid ! £100 + £15 for delivery to me.

It's in very good condition - too good probably for what I have in mind for it ! ::)

That said there's been some absolute shitholes for the same money - so no complaints from me.

Looks like this thread is a catch all for interesting pix [ love them ].

So here's one I picked up [ picture that is ! ] at the Race Retro show this weekend.

I have something similar in mind for my Max Deubel Homage - except mine will be a low sitter and not kneeler. I'll be using 16" rims if I can get them, that said there's a good choice of low profile 17"s now.

Fairings have been sourced.............................. 8) 8)

Velorex being delivered on Friday.

Chair body arrived today - It's NOT a Velorex as claimed by the seller, but a UK copy. That said, it's actually better for my purposes as it's a one piece tub. The Velorex splits horizontally and would have to have been bonded anyway - saves me a job.

Just have to decide now what style to modify it to - the Meteor or the Stoye ............................

My vote is for the Stoye II. They are a damn sexy looking car. Nice work on collecting parts BC.
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