Thx NoRiders, yeah actual upholstery is not one of my strong suits, so I'm getting that done for sure.
Gotta save up a bit for it though
Thabrad, this is also my first try at building a bike. It's always nice to see what other people come up with.
The last weekends I had just little bits of time to work on the bike, so while I did get stuff done I didn't have much time to sit down and write a post about it. As said before I was planning to build my seat pan with fiberglass and epoxy. To start off I wrapped part of the bike in plastic wrap:
I am using these of 220g/m2 fiberglass sheets, and epoxy from mr. Boat:
Then after mixing the epoxy and the hardener in the correct proportions the exciting part commenced.
I didn't take any pictures during the process, as I was stacking the fiberglass sheets and frantically applying epoxy on them, but after 6 layers of fiberglass sheets the result looked like this:
I left it to dry for a few hours, after which it looked like this:
I left it to dry more, as it was still tacky. One week later I got back to it and marked it up for the first rough cut:
Here's a view of the tank area after the first rough cut:
I put some extra fiberglass pieces in this area to build it up a little more so I had ample space to shape it the way I wanted.
I then marked it up for a second rough cut:
Here's what it looked like after cutting it:
It's getting pretty close to the look I want. The fabric will lift it slightly more off the framerails exposing them a little more which should look pretty good I think. I still need to clean up the pan further, which I will do using hand tools I think. The angle grinder is a bit too rough for that.
Lastly I welded in another crossbar to support the seat:
It's a bit out of square, which is something I'm not really happy about, but fortunately it will be hidden by the seat. I don't think I will be grinding the welds to get it out again, so I will have to live with it I guess.
If you look closely you can also see the seat latch mounted in the rear of the hoop. There will be a pin mounted on the seat pan that will fit through the hole, where it will be constrained by a catch. The catch can be actuated with the cable. Nice and simple. The latch came off of a KTM, if anyone's interested.
That's all the progress up to now. Next I plan to finalise the seat pan mountings and supports. I may also add some layers of fiberglass in some places to try and strengthen it a little more. With the 6 layers it may still have just a bit too much flex in it, even with the extra support. After that I can start to put on a few layers of foam, and shaping the seat.
I will leave you with a pic of the seat pan as it sits now after all that: