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WhyNot said:
That is a nice looking bike.

What exhaust?

Like that bag too......did they have more?

Not sure about the exhaust. PO put it on. I think they are harley pipes, but the bike isnt loud.

Bag was this version but in black. You can probably search ebay:
VintageMBike said:
Not sure about the exhaust. PO put it on. I think they are harley pipes, but the bike isnt loud.

Bag was this version but in black. You can probably search ebay:

Thanks for the info.

Did you use the tabs for the side panel to mount that bag?

The pipes look small compared to mine. The pipes I have are 2-1/2, and I have not been able to fine slip-ons that large.
WhyNot said:
Thanks for the info.

Did you use the tabs for the side panel to mount that bag?

The pipes look small compared to mine. The pipes I have are 2-1/2, and I have not been able to fine slip-ons that large.

I cut the strap in half and wrapped it around the frame underneath the seat and zip tied it.
VintageMBike said:
I cut the strap in half and wrapped it around the frame underneath the seat and zip tied it.

cool, thanks

I first gotta figure out why this thing won't run, b4 I worry about purses, I guess.
teazer said:
Ducati ST3 2004 dry clutch, 3 valve motor. Not a single piece of plastic can be used. All broken and scratched, so it will become one of those cafe racer things I keep reading about.

Got that big girl out of her old clothes and gave her a quick shower and I think that she can learn to boogie.

I usually prefer more petite, svelte girls but maybe it's time for a larger boned young lady.

Nice. Let that trellis frame shine! Is this the model where the exhaust could be tipped up for sporty type riding?
VintageMBike said:
side bag.
"Euro" bag...

Ever notice how in the US, you can sell almost ANY new thing by naming it "Euro-whatever"?

...but that's not all!...
hooligan998 said:
Nice. Let that trellis frame shine! Is this the model where the exhaust could be tipped up for sporty type riding?

Why yes sir it is. With panniers, the pipes rotate down quite a bit and there are two positions on the regular passenger peg mount - mid and high. They are now on high. Not quite 888 tall but getting there.

I am panel beating and repairing hard parts to get it running and over the winter I'll strip it and move electrics inside the frame. I spent yesterday evening trying to straighten the oil cooler brackets. It's back on but I may have to go with a more triangular cooler next time around.

That frame should be red though.
Titled and running XS850 for $500, but it won't charge.

A quick visual inspection showed the R/R was incorrectly wired (a common issue with a custom built XS).

Has no gauges and I'm not a fan of the seat, but I'm looking to flip it so I need to think about how much time and effort I want to put in on this one.

Front brake is really squishy as well. Hopefully just needs to be bled.


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That headlight? is hideous.
Needs a rear fender as well. Shouldn't be to hard to flip. Not a bad score.
Brodie said:
That headlight? is hideous.
Needs a rear fender as well. Shouldn't be to hard to flip. Not a bad score.

The headlamp is way worse than hideous......... Paint is a bit odd too. But for the price, quick clean up add a headlamp and fenders and Robert's your mothers brother..
I like the LED strip tail light just double sided taped to the flat hoop. It looks like they got on ebay and bought parts that had cafe racer in the title.
I was thinking a seat, maybe. I already have a new headlight and gauge on the way. I'll probably need a new battery as well. So not even counting labor, I'm already in for $700 including the cost of the bike.
Maritime said:
Running and not douche looking you can double that easy
You do realize that "douche looking" is quite a subjective term, right?

Stuff you like may be crap to him, and vice versa...

Yes, even if it will do the ton.
advCo said:
I think we can all agree that headlight looks like shit LOL
yeah, i wasn't referring to that, just the use of that term for an as-yet unknown quantity...
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