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The Comey interview transcript - only 235 pages ...

Anybody find a summary on the Comey interview?

Also, what's going on with Huawei and Meng? Seems like they are getting the scapegoat treatment over falling markets and failing tariffs/trade war.
Sav0r said:
Anybody find a summary on the Comey interview?

Also, what's going on with Huawei and Meng? Seems like they are getting the scapegoat treatment over falling markets and failing tariffs/trade war.
They were trying to skirt the sanctions on Iran to sell more product. Not the first time, won't be the last time, either.
That raises an interesting legal question that's way above my pay grade. If the treaty is still in place with the other countries that signed it, what legal power does the US have to lock up or fine people or companies that are in compliance with that international treaty?

As I understand it, the treaty was ratified by congress and Trump said the US was no longer part of that treaty but that withdrawal has not been ratified by congress, where does that leave the US legally and how does it affect companies in other countries?

All the above assumes that what Huwai are accused of is actually legal under the treaty of course. If they are not in compliance with the treaty, who, legally, can challenge them? What is the appropriate legal process? Or are we now in an era where the orange one decides what's legal and what's not unilaterally?
stroker crazy said:
You can't allow someone to continue bending you over, because someone allowed them to do it in the first place.

Maybe it sucks for some people right now. Everyone will benefit from fair trade in the long run.
J-Rod10 said:
You can't allow someone to continue bending you over, because someone allowed them to do it in the first place.

Maybe it sucks for some people right now. Everyone will benefit from fair trade in the long run.

Sounds nice, but it's a bit more complicated. If you're talking about macroeconomics, the US is the world's largest economy, second in purchasing power parity, and top ten per capita GDP. And yet there are people runing around claiming we have been getting screwed and it's just not fair. Trump's domestic policies are looking backwards -- coal? refusing to acknowledge climate change? His steel tariffs hurt many more people and businesses than they helped, despite some anecdotal evidence ("it's been great for me"). It's "feel good" economics for those who don't understand economics (and xenophobes).

This week was a doozy. Aside from Trump's mounting legal issues and the Russian MAria Butina's guilty plea to influence the Republican party, you've got:

An immigrant child dying in border patrol custody (with plenty of people remarking that even prisoners of war are given food and water).

Trump kicking out Southeast Asians who came here fleeing the Khmer Rouge, including people who came here as children and have no recollection of life in Cambodia and Vietnamese.
We have a massive trade imbalance with China. That's simple fact. It was achieved through shit policy, that should have never been allowed to happen in the first place.

Giving a kid water when they have hit that point of dehydration does nothing. It's already too late.

Are they saying she was provided nothing at all? Haven't seen that.

Haven't read anything on the SE Asians. They fled a conflict? Do people that flee conflicts get to stay where they fled to forever, normally? Or, are we ragging on Trump for doing what previous administrations should have when the conflict was over?
J-Rod10 said:
We have a massive trade imbalance with China. That's simple fact. It was achieved through shit policy, that should have never been allowed to happen in the first place.

Giving a kid water when they have hit that point of dehydration does nothing. It's already too late.

Are they saying she was provided nothing at all? Haven't seen that.

Haven't read anything on the SE Asians. They fled a conflict? Do people that flee conflicts get to stay where they fled to forever, normally? Or, are we ragging on Trump for doing what previous administrations should have when the conflict was over?

Help me understand here: what's bad about having a trade imbalance?

So you're willing to support Trump and inhumane border policies so much to assume that the kid was already basically dead when taken into custody? That's pretty callous -- and incorrect. She was brought into custoday at 10PM Dec 6, and started having seizures at 6:25AM December 7, after not having been given food and water (and after not having anything to eat or drink for days). That's over 6 hours in US custody. If you haven't seen the news, I'd suggest poking around more. Is it because she was Latin American that you don't care?

Christ, nothing like talking about immigration to bring out people's inhumanity.

If you don't understand the nature and causes of refugees and the role of US policy in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, I'd suggest you look into that/those conflict(s) as well. Briefly, the US is partially responsible for empowering the Khmer Rouge (and ignoring the genocide after it took over) because there was animosity between the Cambodians and the Vietnamese (enemy of my enemy is my friend). In Laos, the US military and CIA encourages Lao upland peoples to support the US, putting them at great risk.

Do you think that repatriated Vietnamese don't face problems in Vietnam if they are forced to return? Do you think it's just to allow people to seek refuge from conflicts that the United States caused, grant them residency, and then deport them to a country that they have never lived in?

I know you have a convenient habit of ignoring questions, but I'm especially curious to hear your ideas on the economy.
Tell me this, what is good about allowing China to mass export their goods to the US with ridiculously small tariffs, while they charge large tariffs on our products coming to them?

I guess, if you're a fan of having the Chinese build everything, and selling our manufacturing sector out, it makes perfect sense. I remember President Obama saying something along the lines of us becoming a servicing economy. That's a horrible idea.

Nice attempt to race bait. Not happening.

Of course, it's tragic. Her father should be tried for child abuse, negligent homicide. Drag a child north of 2,000 miles through the desert with no resources to ensure her survival. That's insane. He should have accepted Mexico's offer of asylum.

Like I said, haven't read anything on the SE Asian bit. Is it normal for people that flee conflict to remain in the country permanently?
Is that the program that for some strange reason only seems to benefit developers including Trump organization and Kushner companies?

There is a disconnect between what I hear on the news and what the press release appears to say it's about, so it's hard to see through the fog on that one.

BTW, what we know as the Vietnam war is called the American war in Vietnam. How anyone today should suggest those people that fled the country back then, should now be deported is beyond belief. Of course there are people that should not be in the country, but that's no way to people who bought our BS that we would win that war for them.

As to the death of that girl, blaming victims is just too easy. All administrations struggle with the balance between being human and following the law. This current administration just happens to be more inhumane and less competent than most.

No. I'm wrong. They are completely incompetent and that starts at the top. I hear people say that it's time to start chanting "Lock him up" :)
teazer said:
Is that the program that for some strange reason only seems to benefit developers including Trump organization and Kushner companies?

There is a disconnect between what I hear on the news and what the press release appears to say it's about, so it's hard to see through the fog on that one.

BTW, what we know as the Vietnam war is called the American war in Vietnam. How anyone today should suggest those people that fled the country back then, should now be deported is beyond belief. Of course there are people that should not be in the country, but that's no way to people who bought our BS that we would win that war for them.

As to the death of that girl, blaming victims is just too easy. All administrations struggle with the balance between being human and following the law. This current administration just happens to be more inhumane and less competent than most.

No. I'm wrong. They are completely incompetent and that starts at the top. I hear people say that it's time to start chanting "Lock him up" :)
I'm not sure on the program. Seems to be some excitement for it locally. Guess we'll find out.

I only know one Vietnamese person old enough to have fought in the war. He fought on the US side. Came over here afterwards. Became a citizen a long, long, time ago.

More info is filtering out about the little girl. She had access to food and water. Her father listed her on Gov docs as healthy, no problems/illnesses. Granted food, and water would have done nothing for her orally. Says she had a 105+ degree fever. When you hit that point of dehydration, you don't "look" sick, like a normal person would with a high fever. You don't sweat. You have no fluids to sweat. Maybe they need to do more thorough examinations, outside of a "are you ok?" Obviously something different needs to be done.
So maybe we will now see what an unchained Trump looks like. Many people have tried to keep him on track and history will tell us how successful they were. It is most likely that he will become more irrational and dictatorial but maybe if he isn't fighting his own people, he might have some clarity of thought. The funding impasse suggests that it's more likely that he will do what he has always done and that's break all the rules and become a bigger threat to the world.
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