"what'cha drinking tonight?"

Busch tall boys... With all the windows open in the house and a nice breeze blowing. It's great for late February here.

Racer 5, eh? A man after my own heart!
(I recently subscribed to beer advocate magazine too- can't wait to get it)
Red seal ale
From my my birthtown ft. Bragg California.
tonight a "whiskey and beer" is considered one drink. Im drinking them all night.
Celebrating another successfully received dance remix commission by finishing my Christmas vodka.
Dad got me a fifth of Stolichnaya Gold, very fancy stuff.
Then my effing 14-year-old sister stole about half of it. For God's sake, kid, the Sobieski has a higher proof and *doesn't* cost $40 a fifth. If you're gonna be irresponsible, at least be courteous about it.
What!? Friday night, and I'm the only one partaking in libations? Slackers! ;)

Budweiser, in bottles no less. Yes, I'm a high class redneck!

Still with the standard... Jim Beam and Sprite.

Dad passed away 9 years ago last week (the 8th). Gettin' hammamered tonight.
Anything I can get my hands on. ;) Its St Pats, so I started w/ a Guinness this morning with breakfast at the bar. Probobly switch to the cheap and easy shit to pace myself throughout the day. Once the sun goes down, there will be Jamesons 12yr old in mass quantities. Raise a pint gents, I know I will be. :)
Some White Owl Rye whiskey...... mmmmmm neat stuff a clear whiskey that tastes great on the rocks or in ginger ale...
I think I have a few Guinness in bottles and cans, a boddingtons, and a couple newcastles. Yup, leftovers for st. Pats for me...

But ill be damned if I ever drink green beer for st pats. "Here's a good idea, let's take cheap skunky swill and dye it green to get partying me-toos to buy it and pretend they are being all irish and shit!" Yeah, im kinda hating on commercialism of otherwise cool celebrations today... cheers all :)
Well, got home from work and the folks were all up in arms... Family drama. Little brother's out with his friends and isn't responding to texts, so I don't know where they're at.

Piece of advice, drinking alone is bad especially when you're feeling down.

Will make up for it soom enough.
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