1969 cb350 project

haha well out of the 350's i would have to say mine. mainly because its been tuned a little more. the blue one is a recent flip of my friends so its still working out the kinks. the red one runs solid but is much heavier than mine. but the 750 has us all. if i said that out loud though my friends one be throwing down the gauntlet.
Hmmmmmm......I don't remember racing you Dublin. In fact I remember you being at least a 1/2 mile behind us the whole ride! As for your bike being more tuned than the rest, are we talking about putting 2qts. of oil in your bike and not a gallon like in the past? ;) Just bustin your balls buddy! Mark stopped by and gave us a copy of a cb350 shop manual on disc to burn and he wants to ride Sunday to the bike show. Be humble-Peace!
haha well i was only guessing but i still give it to me on odds since we never know when your second gear is going to work :D we'll have to see. as far as the distance its not my fault a devil possessed pomeranian tried to take me out going 60. see you sunday... ill stay humble if you stop creeping on me online. later
Re: 1969 cb350 project (stupid? question)

So after all the "building" ive done on this bike and all the things I've learned I have a total NOOB problem. When I first got the bike and had no idea what the hell i was doing i took my bike to a vintage bike mechanic to give it a once over. he just did some timing things and said he changed the oil which looked legit. later a few months down the road i decided to drain the oil myself for some fresh new oil. no filter change or anything like that. anyway i could not get the drain plug off to save my life. didnt strip or anything just seized as hell. frustrated, me and a friend at the time just turned the bike over till the oil was done and threw some more in. Now that Im slightly more intelligent IMO about these bike I still cant get this damn thing out and I've had a couple of my bike buddies try as well. Anyone have some secret up your sleeves with things youve done? I dont want to replace any seal/gasket so what cover can I pull to get the most oil out this thing in the mean time? Now that she cranks and rides every time this old oil is looking BAD.
nukem1r said:
lots of PB blaster to get it to loosen up and a very big pipe for a lever?

yep. you've got to get that sump plug out of there one way or another. Or get yourself an ebay pan with plug and swap 'em over next oil change. It's no good the way it is.



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i know its not professional but it looks pretty good for my first try. got tired of riding on pieces of tile insulation.


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CBdublin said:
i know its not professional but it looks pretty good for my first try. got tired of riding on pieces of tile insulation.

we all gotta start somewhere. You've done alright. There's no horrible creases anywhere, it looks nice and tight. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Love that tank too ;)

Your question about the drain plug, when it's cold, use an impact wrench. The pulses of the impact will work wonders unless there is something really wrong. When they're hot, if they were too tight, it will be really bad to remove.
bikeboy said:
we all gotta start somewhere. You've done alright. There's no horrible creases anywhere, it looks nice and tight. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Love that tank too ;)

Thanks man. Im just stoked it will be worlds more comfortable now and yeah I got lucky finding a NOS tank online. Just going crazy waiting for DurgamK to catch up on orders and send me my REARSETS! Nothing seems worth doing on the bike compared to those.

And I still havent solved the oil issue. Ive come to the conclusion that nothing in my tool box is going to budge it. Hoping one of my friends will be able to try something new. Havent try an impact wrench
CBdublin said:
And I still havent solved the oil issue. Ive come to the conclusion that nothing in my tool box is going to budge it. Hoping one of my friends will be able to try something new. Havent try an impact wrench

Like I said before, I'd bail out and just get a replacement set up on ebay. You never know what sort of butchery awaits if you eventually get it of anyway. For all you know it's been JB welded in place because some gorilla ripped the threads out. Not worth losing sleep over for the sake of about $20??

so this was the only pick i got from todays ride. this is after the group had to turn around for me. turns out the set up i made for my seat didnt cut it. the nuts vibrated themselves right off the bolts. so notice the duct tape around both here 8) . anyway got home and figured out a more practical way of doing it. we also rode with a new friend today. the 750 to the left. still havent gotten everyone together but its getting bigger.


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so got the seat to work and the rearsets should be in next week from DurgamK. Anyway besides the oil issue trying to fix a small annoyance with the tach cable. i have a small leak coming from it where it goes into the engine. it recently started to get worse when the motor gets really hot. i replaced the two o-rings under the cover right next to it but my friend suggested putting an o-ring in front of the tach cable. seemed to work for a couple rides then came back. any suggestions on this problem. saw a guy making block offs for that slot. think that would work?
CBdublin said:
i replaced the two o-rings under the cover right next to it but my friend suggested putting an o-ring in front of the tach cable. seemed to work for a couple rides then came back. any suggestions on this problem. saw a guy making block offs for that slot. think that would work?

My money is on the oil-seal. #19 in this pic:

...not familiar with the block-off plug, but unless it replaces the seal, then no, it won't fix it.

thanks for the break down. that one i may enlist my mechanics help on. ive seen to many guys break that housing and i dont have the scratch to cover it if so. its really getting annoying because the right leg on all my pants have oil splatters on them. i'll just call it character ;)
someone got a package from kris today! ;D looks like my weekend is set. excited to get these on. ordered a new oil seal for the tach opening and going to try to makeshift a small rear fender from the old front fender. it was cool doing the minimalist thing but without a chain guard and fender i am getting tired of cleaning my rim along with the slop tossed up on the frame/carbs every other day. ill post up some more pics when the rearsets are on. SO STOKED!


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