Mr.E said:All feelings and safety aside, I can't think of a single reason a guy would offer to take someone else's wife for a ride.
That's kinda been nagging at me, to be honest. I'm not a jealous guy by nature (hell, I don't care if my wife dances with other dudes at weddings because I know she's coming home with me) but I can't shake that thought. Concerns I have yet to voice to her, because I know I can trust her. It's the guy I don't know about... If it was my best friend (and riding partner) I would have no problem. But I also know he would never ask her to get on his bike. She would basically have to insist on it before he'd do it.
CrescentSon said:As to the actual issue, how did the question come up? If she came to you laughing, and said joe-schmoe asked me to ride his mid life crisis, you're cool. If she was caught smuggling out her riding gear in a duffel bag full of g-strings, you probably have bigger topics to address.
She asked me:
would you be offended if I brought my helmet along so I could go on a ride?
So obviously I think she knows she might be crossing a line... I know her, and I know she LOVES riding through beautiful scenery, and it's kinda hard to beat new england in early fall for that. That's the only reason she'd consider it.