Been Around the Block
Ok. After kicking about 200 times, now I’m up to 11v lol
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The motor could definitely use some cleaning up. I don’t want to put a cruddy motor back into a freshly painted frame, so any suggestions on cleaning the motor up? I would love to do some sort of vapor blasting or something, but I need something I can do myself, for cheap
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Save your money on the ultrasound cleaner. Just strip the carbs down and use pinesol/hot water and soak overnight. a quick clean, blow through and reassembly and they'll be like new...Brief update. I got the bike running to the point it was idling and revving. It shook the whole neighborhood..... and that puts a smile on my face. During this period I tested the charging system and it’s all good. I was afraid I toasted the coil during all the testing. But didn’t. Apparently everything is tougher than mentioned online. Finally, I’m able to move forward.
One thing that’s concerning: there seems to be an issue with back pressure. I’m assuming this because oil started seeping from several areas, and also some puffs of smoke came from the carbs. I even had a backfire through the carbs. That’s a first one for me, but I’ve heard of it. The good news is I have a whole other motor I can scrap parts from need be.
One thing I will do is swap the 76’ crank case breather for the 83’. It has a single tube that I was running a one way check valve on. It helps prevent negative crankcase pressure, and the butt dyno actually saw improvement. Beyond that I’ll be purchasing a heated ultrasonic to deal with the carbs.
The motor could definitely use some cleaning up. I don’t want to put a cruddy motor back into a freshly painted frame, so any suggestions on cleaning the motor up? I would love to do some sort of vapor blasting or something, but I need something I can do myself, for cheap
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