DO THE TON Mama Tried 3 - Alabama 2012 - New and Improved with event pics!

Made it!! 8) 8)

Seaglider and I are bunking at the Hilton Garden Inn, SE, Liberty Park!! ;D

Drove 16 hrs. through the night to get here around 6:55am local time.

Tim, Kemp and others are on the way and arriving within a couple of hours! :D

Grabbing a few winks and we'll truck over to Kiley's! 8)
Smajure said:
Well, you want to leave when I get done and stay at Kylie's tonight? ??? ??
We can't load the trailer until Terry gets home with the Yukon. Sooo... I guess we are waiting on me ::)
But we can leave earlier than 4am if you like?

Oh, and I have Good News and Bad News.
Good News: I just finished off the last of Mondays Red Beans and Rice.
Bad News: The passenger side window on the Yukon doesn't work ;)
If you want to go play those games I'll go cook some Haggis for the trip down
Cafe Redneck said:
Thanks for helping Fix out Tim
To be clear, all I did was get engaged. Sent him links to the local yamaha dealer and let him know I had his back if he needed me for tools or needed a ride. Sometimes just knowing you're not alone is help enough. In the end, Fix went to Walmart and made his own FIX for it and took off in the AM. I just got a text from him that he is in Tennessee now. I'll buy him a beer at the AceCorner. See you guys tomorrow mid-day or a Kileys Friday evening.
cyclefreak said:
Just got home from work. I've got a few loose ends to tie up here at the house, and then I will start the long journey (eh about 15 minutes) to Kiley's.

Be carefull on that long ride . ;)

Already a great time!
Rolling out in about 8 hours. See y'all about noon'ish.

Hey, somebody PM me Kileys address. I shot him a PM, but I'm sure he's been busy ;)
We're rolling in. A bit fuzzy on how to get to Kiley's from last year. Anyone have any contact info? PM me.
CAN EVERYONE HEAR ME OK? Its 330 a.m. Im sitting here on my butt in Memphis...Preparing to kick my brothers ass outta bed. JESUS...Lazy bum would probably sleep in until 5 a.m. if I let him.
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