Project CB690 (KTM 690 engine in a CB550f frame)



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Actually finished.


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looks good, apart from the radiator. can you get one that sits between the front rails, like some the cruiser ones do?
Hello all, thank you for the kind words.
Next, the bike will have the MSVA and get registered, and I will ride it for whatever time I can before winter. Then it will be completely disassembled, cleaned, painted, and rebuilt. The following items will be revised:
  • New blinkers. Although I like the integrated brake lights, the blinkers currently installed look cheap, and way too big. They will be replaced.
  • New headlight and shell. This part was also too cheap and looks bad.
  • New mirrors. Possibly just traditional round chrome ones.
  • Some kind of dash cover, so the backside of the speedo doesn't look so unfinished. I could have a backshell of some kind 3d printed maybe.
  • Rear brake pivot will be revised. The actuating arm is too long and the pedal needs a lot of pressure.
Brad I am thinking about a different radiator, but will have to have one made. I haven't been able to find one that is the right shape and has the outlets in the right place.
So i thoroughly read the MSVA handbook and there is a deman in there that the fuel cap cannot be higher than 15mm, the GT550 cap is more like 25 to 30mm. So I was thinking about doing this anyway, so why not! I got a Harley fuel cap and bung and had a go. First I cut out the stock cap bung, and folded the resulting tube down so the new bung could sit on it.
I drained the fuel and filled the whole thing up with water. It is a little bit of a pain, but I cut, grinded, and welded it with no explosions, so it definitely worked.


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But the tube was only lightly brazed in and it pulled out. Next idea was to make my own tube and use that.


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That might have worked, but I ended up using the top of the original bung which happened to fit the tank and the new bung nicely. Tig braze tacked that in, then went all the way around. It looks ok. It still is higher than 15mm, but I can temporarily install a flush-mount cap from the HD aftermarket, then use the cap I like after the MSVA.
Oh, and of course it leaks. I will have to re-braze it and pressure test a few more times.


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I had to rent a van to bring it to the MSVA inspection. All passed, no problems. There are a few tricks to the inspection that I was lucky enough to identify beforehand, and it paid off. The examiner said that a lot of bikes fail first time because the fuel cap is higher than 15mm, so all that work I did to make it flush was well spent. Also you need the pilot light in the headlamp, evidently there are a lot of failures there too. Ad finally, note the clear plastic number plate that I put on there temporarily, just to hold the red rear reflector. Need to have that.
All in all a great experience, the examiner was very helpful and professional, and used fair judgement. I have also insured it on the VIN only. Now I fill out the V55/5, and will get a V5c.
If anyone has any questions about this process just ask. I learned a lot while investigating it.
In the 4th picture the LR indicator is wonky because I hit it with my foot while swinging a leg over, this has since been fixed.


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I ordered some LED spots for the kitchen, but they ended up being the wrong size. So I bought a cheap transformer and mounted them on a piece of wood for some extra lighting in the garage. Very effective, and they run cool. Ugly, but only cost around £30 total.


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well done. i don't do roadworthy certificates any more, but i did when i worked at a dealership, and the amount of people who would come in and argue over absolute shit because they'd done no prep used to shit me up the wall.
Update: I received my v5 and plate. The DVLA has decided to call it a 1979 Honda, and gave it an age-related plate. I'm pleased it's not a Q plate!
First test rides went really well. It is viciously fast. It pulls HARD everywhere, no matter the gear. There is something wrong with second gear however, and that is spoiling the initial test rides. It is really hard to get into second from first, it is almost always a false neutral. It may be that the gear and dogs are worn out, but I am sceptical because I didn't notice that when I test rode the KTM 690 SM donor bike. It seemed fine at the time.
Things that need to be addressed:
Second gear
Shifter linkage in general, it is too long
Rear brake pivot location
Perhaps a new radiator
I love this thing.
Bummer on second gear, Unfortunately I can't come up with another explanation other than something is worn or misaligned.
Damn, the MSVA in the UK is not messing around huh. The bike would fail point blank if the fuel cap is higher than 15mm? Here in Quebec the rules for modified bikes are pretty severe too but there are...ways.
The second gear issue very well could be your shift linkage. If not just right on some bikes they just dont do 1-2 well at all.
Hi Maritime,
Confirmed, my shift lever is hitting the chain guard and it's not getting the full throw. I'll grind down the shifter to make clearance and take it for a test ride, and verify that I didn't cause any damage to the dogs. Then I'll have to make a custom shift lever, or modify a stock one. The lever needs to be shortened by 40mm, which might make it too short to feel right. If that's the case maybe I can control it with a linkage.

Hi Jimbonaut,
That definitely would have made it fail! Also, it needs a pilot lamp in the headlight, the fenders need to be rolled over, there needs to be a red reflector fitted in the rear, and the muffler has to have a manufacturers logo on it. The examiner said those were the most frequent fails.
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