"the Mooch"

Re: "the Mooch"

stroker crazy said:
Do you think he would lie to Congress again and leave himself open to doing more time?

Besides, he has documentation to support some of his claims.

Interesting you say that because when asked directly how he would verify his claims he said he couldn't, but that there were government agencies that have the necessary information. Lolok
Symbolic of this last week:


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Sav0r said:
Trump denied it though. So it was Trump’s word versus Cohen’s. Now there’s evidence, some that at the bare minimum suggest Cohen isn’t fibbing at least about this.

What I found interesting about the testimony was that the Republicans ran a smear campaign from the outset. Instead of looking at what he’s saying and objectively trying to figure out what is true and what is horse shit, the Republicans wanted to taint the testimony as less than credible based on character only. Everybody knows the guy is a shit head, he willingly worked for Donald Trump, but no counter facts were presented, instead it was pure character assisination of Cohen. Why would this be the case? They can’t refute the testimony, so it’s easier to smear the person giving it. The Republicans acted like children and it’s sad.
I'm sure Congress will sort it out.

The Republicans did what any defense attorney would do, try to discredit the witness, one that has proven to be a liar. Let's not act like both sides don't do the same when it suits them.
Point taken, but when will the R side of congress ever wake up to the truth and work out what they plan on doing, or are they aware and willfully complicit?
If anyone came out of the Cohen hearing looking like a badass, it was AOC. Short, direct questions to name names that will likely open up more lines of inquiry. As an aside, her defense of a living wage and benefits for her employees was attacked by Ivanka Trump, who called a living wage "a gift." Who came out of that one appearing out of touch with working Americans? I'll give you a hint: she's an heiress who makes her money trading on her father's name.

I'll wait for people to write off the substance of her work by calling her a "socialist" and immediately dismissing it.

The North Korea talks in Vietnam were another waste of time that made Trump look unprepared and out of his league.
carnivorous chicken said:
If anyone came out of the Cohen hearing looking like a badass, it was AOC. Short, direct questions to name names that will likely open up more lines of inquiry. As an aside, her defense of a living wage and benefits for her employees was attacked by Ivanka Trump, who called a living wage "a gift." Who came out of that one appearing out of touch with working Americans? I'll give you a hint: she's an heiress who makes her money trading on her father's name.

I'll wait for people to write off the substance of her work by calling her a "socialist" and immediately dismissing it.

The North Korea talks in Vietnam were another waste of time that made Trump look unprepared and out of his league.

Indeed AOC was clever enough to encourage Cohen to name names and thus opened the door for investigations into Trumps business dealings. Im sure Trump is shaking in his boots though hes put on the brave face.

In re his North Korea failure, someone actually posted "you libs dont understand; Trump didnt fail in NK, hes actually playing a "long game" which you libs dont understand." sigh
carnivorous chicken said:
If anyone came out of the Cohen hearing looking like a badass, it was AOC. Short, direct questions to name names that will likely open up more lines of inquiry. As an aside, her defense of a living wage and benefits for her employees was attacked by Ivanka Trump, who called a living wage "a gift." Who came out of that one appearing out of touch with working Americans? I'll give you a hint: she's an heiress who makes her money trading on her father's name.

I'll wait for people to write off the substance of her work by calling her a "socialist" and immediately dismissing it.

The North Korea talks in Vietnam were another waste of time that made Trump look unprepared and out of his league.

Ivanka is as much a hapless retard has her father. I came across this a while back, a summary of her book.

When Ivanka was a kid, she got frustrated because she couldn’t set up a lemonade stand in Trump Tower. “We had no such advantages,” she writes, meaning, in this case, an ordinary home on an ordinary street. She and her brothers finally tried to sell lemonade at their summer place in Connecticut, but their neighborhood was so ritzy that there was no foot traffic. “As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.” In another early business story, she and her brothers made fake Native American arrowheads, buried them in the woods, dug them up while playing with their friends, and sold the arrowheads to their friends for five dollars each.

J-Rod10 said:
I'm sure Congress will sort it out.

The Republicans did what any defense attorney would do, try to discredit the witness, one that has proven to be a liar. Let's not act like both sides don't do the same when it suits them.

The "the Dems do it too" defense really doesn't work when you realize that Trump had hired Cohen for a decade. The Republicans are discrediting their presidents own personal favorite lawyer thereby discrediting Trump too. The Reps would have come off much better if they used a little bit of intellectual honesty. Again, they chose the strategy of a child.
VintageMBike said:
Indeed AOC was clever enough to encourage Cohen to name names and thus opened the door for investigations into Trumps business dealings. Im sure Trump is shaking in his boots though hes put on the brave face.

In re his North Korea failure, someone actually posted "you libs dont understand; Trump didnt fail in NK, hes actually playing a "long game" which you libs dont understand." sigh

Michael Cohen Closing Statement to Congress:

"In closing, I'd like to say directly to the president, we honor our veterans even in the rain, you tell the truth even when it doesn't aggrandize you, you respect the law and incredible law enforcement agents, you don't villainize them, you don't disparage generals, gold star families, prisoners of war and other heroes who had the courage to fight for this country.

You don't attack the media and those who question what you don't like or what you don't want them to say and you take responsibility for your own dirty deeds. You don't use your power of your bully pulpit to destroy the credibility of those who speak out against you. You don't separate families from one another or demonize those looking to America for a better life. You don't vilify people based on the god they pray to and you don't cuddle up to our adversaries at the expense of our allies.

Finally, you don't shut down the government before Christmas and new year's just to simply appease your base. This behavior is childish, it denigrates the office of the president and it's simply un-American. "
spotty said:
i'm sure theres someone called bubba awaiting his new cellmate with relish.......
He's heading to that Martha Stewart set up. Tennis courts, shuffleboard, bocce ball. Be like a vacation.
J-Rod10 said:
He's heading to that Martha Stewart set up. Tennis courts, shuffleboard, bocce ball. Be like a vacation.

State charges and sentence await. And he cant be pardoned.

People are quick to say liberals and liberal obama appointed judges are biased, but this is madness. The Reagan Appointee judge is biased. This man hid money abroad, lied to get bank loans and swindled 18m and he gets four years? That white supremacy buddy system is still at work it seems.

If he were black or unconnected, they might have shot him in the face as execution.

A disgrace..that sentence is.
Re: "the Mooch"

I usually try to avoid political posts but for the life of me I cannot understand what compelled these people to commit such atrocities. As a self proclaimed punk, take that as you will, I believe it is every person's right to believe what that wish so long as it does not impede upon other's lives.

Why people would commit to destroying the lives of not only people within their community but the family of these people as well is beyond me.

If everyone upon the earth could just grow up and realise that we are all the same in the beginning and it is only our social, cultural and economic differences that affects who we become we might actually get somewhere as a species rather than in-fighting due to different beliefs causing immense restrictions upon our development and causing unnecessary violence.

/End inebriated rant.
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