Cutting up the frame

I am a young "builder" and have been "destroying" bikes since I can remember. I can understand where people wanting to keep the bike original are coming from. The thing that I don't get it my generations obsession with all being "different".
I have seen too many CB's cut up and painted with $2 spray paint. But with the amount of them around it is not really that great a loss. Someone who is actually interested will by them in a few years and although 3 bikes might become one you can bet that the resulting bike will be enjoyed.

I bought a half wrecked SR250 for $300 with the intent of making it into a daily, then I got a bit carried away and wanted to spend a heap of money and make it a "Cafe". After a month or so I worked out the price and decided that it was better suited to carry me to work and back as it is. I then bought a scrapped GS750 with a stuck motor. I have already started to cut the hell out of it, I don't plan to stop. One thing I do plan on is riding the hell out of it when I finish building it.

No idea what my point was, I think it is something along the lines of there are still going to be builders out there after the trend shifts to bobbers or mopeds or what ever the hell is next.
To be completely honest, my CB may be the only bike I build. It's the only one I own at the moment. If I had my way, I'd have a newer daily ride (Think FZ9 or street triple).
And my POS 650, that's going to get cut up. Nobody gives a rats ass if I start cutting on it. If you find something nice enough to restore and that's what you want cool. If someone were to find me an old CL450 for cheap enough. I'd probably be all over a gentle resto mod thing. People are gonna do what they wanna do. If my bike became a serious collectors item in the future would i be pissed cause I cut it up? No. Shit happens. Do what you like, just don't freak out when someone else does the same. Peace.
Btw just because we're blue collar types doesn't mean that punctuation isn't our friend. ;D
xb33bsa said:
you know what pisses me off is a lot of these kids would have been able to do better with the bike building if the schools still taught shop,but we don't need shop 'cus all the crooked politicians let our industry go overseas
all we need is $15 dollers an hour at micky dees and all will be well

Definitively kids are getting steered away from vocation schools as well. There's a real lack of skilled metal and wood workers. Solid jobs and decent money in my area. I took a welding class up the street at the voke school and they have an awesome welding workshop. The instructor told me that they have a hard time getting kids to attend the school.
You know what makes me sad? All that bauxite we've ruined over the years.

I'd go on but I have to go prop up a dead tree that somebody dared to cut into firewood.
Mossy21 said:
Good to see I rattled a few cages.... Thanks for not jumping all over me. 8)

I just feel like all the good old stuff I grew up with, is going away. :'(

Good old stuff? Sorry but most of the bikes built in the 70s and 80s were not special or particularly pretty in stock form. Most of the reason you dont see them around anymore is not because people are turning them into something they think is cool, it's because they all turned into rusty worthless piles of shit and people threw them away. If anything the Cafe Racer craze has saved a lot of bikes from being scrapped entirely due to renewed interest in older rides. I know that's where both of my project bikes were headed before I got my hands on them.
Rich Ard said:
You know what makes me sad? All that bauxite we've ruined over the years.

I'd go on but I have to go prop up a dead tree that somebody dared to cut into firewood.

There's an episode of the magic school bus that does this...

Now where's my angle grinder? I missed a tab.
I cut up my frame because i'll probably wrap it around a pole or tree within 3 years from now...
xb33bsa said:
you know what pisses me off is a lot of these kids would have been able to do better with the bike building if the schools still taught shop,but we don't need shop 'cus all the crooked politicians let our industry go overseas
all we need is $15 dollers an hour at micky dees and all will be well

I wonder if someone will make the same arguement for a mid 90's cavalier in another 15-20 years?
If one of these kids pursues fabrication beyond their first bike then all the sacrifice is worth it!! N most 70's n 80's bikes handled like shit anyway. I understand half of the gripes bout the people just doing it for the trend, but it has inspired a lot of people to be better craftsman n learn new skills also. If you prefer a stock bike then that's your business n the same to someone who doesn't. Constructive criticism is not calling someone a fucking idiot!!! I understand a lot of these old grouchy fuckers are set n their ways n it pisses em off when you don't listen to em!! Personally, I say fuck em!! IMO, they are slowing down progression of the younger generation, n that's why they don't want to listen to the advice given to them. How do you expect some young guy to learn to work with his hands if you tell him not too!! I also agree with a earlier point bout these bikes would end up in junkyards if there wasn't a revised interest, n at the end of the dat the ones that don't make it become available parts for the us.
anybody that cuts up any motorcycle and creates a shit running, dangerous handling, non-stopping,deathtrap ,then advertises to sell it and says it runs great and is fun to ride, is a stupid fucker and there is plenty that do just that,many have websites and call themselves pros .....they are not interested in doing it right or even learning proper suspension/frame/design/fab/tuning skills
there are many others that want to learn,they should be rewarded with praise and encouraged
Amen Junior. Couldn't have said it better my self!
I actually think its sad that there is a thread with hundreds and hundreds of pages pointing out "jems". They are out there. Its obvious, we get the point. The negativity is getting old. The elitism, and heavy opinion on styling are also getting old.
No the Craigslist crap should not be rewarded or praised. I agree with Junior. Its the youngones on this site that is the point. My point was it doesn't take hundreds of pages of negativity to get a point across
Tell that to the people that post on my build thread, farm boy
For a site dedicated to building bikes, there's an awful lot of bitching going on about people actually trying to build bikes.
Withers said:
For a site dedicated to building bikes, there's an awful lot of bitching going on about people actually trying to build bikes.

And the internet has come full circle.
Withers said:
For a site dedicated to building bikes, there's an awful lot of bitching going on about people actually trying to build bikes.
that's because some people think they are above most n this is a place to let everyone know bout it.
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